Definition of lene

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Lene (n.) The smooth breathing (spiritus lenis).

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Uncharity :: Uncharity (n.) Uncharitableness.
Mutableness :: Mutableness (n.) The quality of being mutable.
Naphthoquinone :: Naphthoquinone (n.) A yellow crystalline substance, C10H6O2, analogous to quinone, obtained by oxidizing naphthalene with chromic acid..
Slewth :: Slewth (n.) Sloth; idleness.
Reliability :: Reliability (n.) The state or quality of being reliable; reliableness.
Limberness :: Limberness (n.) The quality or state of being limber; flexibleness.
Dissolubleness :: Dissolubleness (n.) The quality of being dissoluble; dissolubility.
Illustrious :: Illustrious (a.) Characterized by greatness, nobleness, etc.; eminent; conspicuous; distinguished..
Impropriety :: Impropriety (n.) The quality of being improper; unfitness or unsuitableness to character, time place, or circumstances; as, impropriety of behavior or manners..
Tritylene :: Tritylene (n.) Propylene.
Deplorability :: Deplorability (n.) Deplorableness.
Convertibility :: Convertibility (n.) The condition or quality of being convertible; capability of being exchanged; convertibleness.
Inerrableness :: Inerrableness (n.) Exemption from error; inerrability; infallibility.
Activeness :: Activeness (n.) The quality of being active; nimbleness; quickness of motion; activity.
Imponderability :: Imponderability (n.) The quality or state of being imponderable; imponderableness.
Changeability :: Changeability (n.) Changeableness.
Xylenol :: Xylenol (n.) Any one of six metameric phenol derivatives of xylene, obtained as crystalline substances, (CH3)2.C6H3.OH..
Pertinency :: Pertinency (n.) The quality or state of being pertinent; justness of relation to the subject or matter in hand; fitness; appositeness; relevancy; suitableness.
Admirableness :: Admirableness (n.) The quality of being admirable; wonderful excellence.
April :: April (n.) Fig.: With reference to April being the month in which vegetation begins to put forth, the variableness of its weather, etc..
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