Definition of law

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Law (n.) In matematics: The rule according to which anything, as the change of value of a variable, or the value of the terms of a series, proceeds; mode or order of sequence..

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Repeal :: Repeal (v. t.) To recall, as a deed, will, law, or statute; to revoke; to rescind or abrogate by authority, as by act of the legislature; as, to repeal a law..
Assault :: Assault (n.) To make an assault upon, as by a sudden rush of armed men; to attack with unlawful or insulting physical violence or menaces..
Science :: Science (n.) Art, skill, or expertness, regarded as the result of knowledge of laws and principles..
Pentateuch :: Pentateuch (n.) The first five books of the Old Testament, collectively; -- called also the Law of Moses, Book of the Law of Moses, etc..
Programma :: Programma (n.) Any law, which, after it had passed the Athenian senate, was fixed on a tablet for public inspection previously to its being proposed to the general assembly of the people..
Homesteader :: Homesteader (n.) One who has entered upon a portion of the public land with the purpose of acquiring ownership of it under provisions of the homestead law, so called; one who has acquired a homestead in this manner..
Regeneration :: Regeneration (n.) The reproduction of a part which has been removed or destroyed; re-formation; -- a process especially characteristic of a many of the lower animals; as, the regeneration of lost feelers, limbs, and claws by spiders and crabs..
Slawen :: Slawen () p. p. of Slee, to slay..
Flawing :: Flawing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Fla.
Phonography :: Phonography (n.) A description of the laws of the human voice, or sounds uttered by the organs of speech..
Judaism :: Judaism (n.) The religious doctrines and rites of the Jews as enjoined in the laws of Moses.
Energetics :: Energetics (n.) That branch of science which treats of the laws governing the physical or mechanical, in distinction from the vital, forces, and which comprehends the consideration and general investigation of the whole range of the forces concerned in physical phenomena..
Law :: Law (n.) Any edict, decree, order, ordinance, statute, resolution, judicial, decision, usage, etc., or recognized, and enforced, by the controlling authority..
Marry :: Marry (v. t.) To unite in wedlock or matrimony; to perform the ceremony of joining, as a man and a woman, for life; to constitute (a man and a woman) husband and wife according to the laws or customs of the place..
Police :: Police (n.) The organized body of civil officers in a city, town, or district, whose particular duties are the preservation of good order, the prevention and detection of crime, and the enforcement of the laws..
Community :: Community (n.) A body of people having common rights, privileges, or interests, or living in the same place under the same laws and regulations; as, a community of monks. Hence a number of animals living in a common home or with some apparent association of interests..
Retrospective :: Retrospective (a.) Having reference to what is past; affecting things past; retroactive; as, a retrospective law..
Chimere :: Chimere (n.) The upper robe worn by a bishop, to which lawn sleeves are usually attached..
Quirky :: Quirky (a.) Full of quirks; tricky; as, a quirky lawyer..
Brack :: Brack (n.) An opening caused by the parting of any solid body; a crack or breach; a flaw.
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