Definition of arian

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Arian (a. & n.) See Aryan.

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Aularian :: Aularian (a.) Relating to a hall.
Humanitarianism :: Humanitarianism (n.) The distinctive tenet of the humanitarians in denying the divinity of Christ; also, the whole system of doctrine based upon this view of Christ..
Bibliothecary :: Bibliothecary (n.) A librarian.
Pacification :: Pacification (n.) The act or process of pacifying, or of making peace between parties at variance; reconciliation..
Mediator :: Mediator (n.) One who mediates; especially, one who interposes between parties at variance for the purpose of reconciling them; hence, an intercessor..
Syncretist :: Syncretist (n.) One who attempts to unite principles or parties which are irreconcilably at variance.
Sacramentary :: Sacramentary (a.) Of or pertaining to the Sacramentarians.
Variance :: Variance (n.) A disagreement or difference between two parts of the same legal proceeding, which, to be effectual, ought to agree, -- as between the writ and the declaration, or between the allegation and the proof..
Attitudinarianism :: Attitudinarianism (n.) A practicing of attitudes; posture making.
Tubularian :: Tubularian (n.) Any hydroid belonging to the suborder Tubularida.
Vesiculata :: Vesiculata (n. pl.) The campanularian medusae.
Neology :: Neology (n.) A new doctrine; esp. (Theol.), a doctrine at variance with the received interpretation of revealed truth; a new method of theological interpretation; rationalism..
Plumularian :: Plumularian (n.) Any Plumularia. Also used adjectively.
Topiary :: Topiary (a.) Of or pertaining to ornamental gardening; produced by cutting, trimming, etc.; topiarian..
Controversy :: Controversy (n.) Quarrel; strife; cause of variance; difference.
Discrepancy :: Discrepancy (n.) The state or quality of being discrepant; disagreement; variance; discordance; dissimilarity; contrariety.
Supralapsary :: Supralapsarianism (n.) The doctrine, belief, or principles of the Supralapsarians..
Chiliast :: Chiliast (n.) One who believes in the second coming of Christ to reign on earth a thousand years; a milllenarian.
Sabbatarian :: Sabbatarian (a.) Of or pertaining to the Sabbath, or the tenets of Sabbatarians..
Millenarianism :: Millenarianism (n.) Alt. of Millenaris.
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