Definition of lame

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Lame (v. t.) To make lame.

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Becripple :: Becripple (v. t.) To make a cripple of; to cripple; to lame.
Red-riband :: Red-riband (n.) The European red band fish, or fireflame. See Rend fish..
Condolement :: Condolement (n.) Sorrow; mourning; lamentation.
Triadelphous :: Triadelphous (a.) Having stamens joined by filaments into three bundles. See Illust. under Adelphous.
Flame :: Flame (n.) To burst forth like flame; to break out in violence of passion; to be kindled with zeal or ardor.
Capillament :: Capillament (n.) Any villous or hairy covering; a fine fiber or filament, as of the nerves..
Lamenter :: Lamenter (n.) One who laments.
Desert :: Desert (v. t.) To leave (especially something which one should stay by and support); to leave in the lurch; to abandon; to forsake; -- implying blame, except sometimes when used of localities; as, to desert a friend, a principle, a cause, one's country..
Yama :: Yama (n.) The king of the infernal regions, corresponding to the Greek Pluto, and also the judge of departed souls. In later times he is more exclusively considered the dire judge of all, and the tormentor of the wicked. He is represented as of a green color, with red garments, having a crown on his head, his eyes inflamed, and sitting on a buffalo, with a club and noose in his hands..
Disculpate :: Disculpate (v. t.) To free from blame or the imputation of a fault; to exculpate.
Bovey Coal :: Bovey coal () A kind of mineral coal, or brown lignite, burning with a weak flame, and generally a disagreeable odor; -- found at Bovey Tracey, Devonshire, England. It is of geological age of the oolite, and not of the true coal era..
Founder :: Founder (v. t.) To cause internal inflammation and soreness in the feet or limbs of (a horse), so as to disable or lame him..
Cripple :: Cripple (v. t.) To deprive of the use of a limb, particularly of a leg or foot; to lame..
Lame :: Lame (superl.) To some degree disabled by reason of the imperfect action of a limb; crippled; as, a lame man..
Harl :: Harl (n.) A filamentous substance; especially, the filaments of flax or hemp..
Rupia :: Rupia (n.) An eruption upon the skin, consisting of vesicles with inflamed base and filled with serous, purulent, or bloody fluid, which dries up, forming a blackish crust..
Leptothrix :: Leptothrix (n.) A genus of bacteria, characterized by having their filaments very long, slender, and indistinctly articulated..
Sweal :: Sweal (v. i.) To melt and run down, as the tallow of a candle; to waste away without feeding the flame..
Condole :: Condole (v. t.) To lament or grieve over.
Hop :: Hop (v. i.) To walk lame; to limp; to halt.
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