Definition of knee

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Knee (n.) In the horse and allied animals, the carpal joint, corresponding to the wrist in man..

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Thoroughpin :: Thoroughpin (n.) A disease of the hock (sometimes of the knee) of a horse, caused by inflammation of the synovial membrane and a consequent excessive secretion of the synovial fluid; -- probably so called because there is usually an oval swelling on each side of the leg, appearing somewhat as if a pin had been thrust through..
Knee :: Knee (n.) The joint, or region of the joint, between the thigh and leg..
Arise :: Arise (v. i.) To come up from a lower to a higher position; to come above the horizon; to come up from one's bed or place of repose; to mount; to ascend; to rise; as, to arise from a kneeling posture; a cloud arose; the sun ariseth; he arose early in the morning..
Lap :: Lap (n.) The part of the clothing that lies on the knees or thighs when one sits down; that part of the person thus covered; figuratively, a place of rearing and fostering; as, to be reared in the lap of luxury..
Beak :: Beak (n.) That part of a ship, before the forecastle, which is fastened to the stem, and supported by the main knee..
Weak-kneed :: Weak-kneed (a.) Having weak knees; hence, easily yielding; wanting resolution..
Knee :: Knee (n.) A bending of the knee, as in respect or courtesy..
Genouillere :: Genouillere (n.) A metal plate covering the knee.
Knee-crooking :: Knee-crooking (a.) Obsequious; fawning; cringing.
Korrigum :: Korrigum (n.) A West African antelope (Damalis Senegalensis), allied to the sassaby. It is reddish gray, with a black face, and a black stripe on the outside of the legs above the knees..
Hose :: Hose (n.) Close-fitting trousers or breeches, as formerly worn, reaching to the knee..
Bow :: Bow (v. i.) To bend the head, knee, or body, in token of reverence or submission; -- often with down..
Knack-kneed :: Knack-kneed (a.) See Knock-kneed.
Genu :: Genu (n.) The knee.
Kneecap :: Kneecap (n.) The kneepan.
Knee :: Knee (v. t.) To supplicate by kneeling.
Kneepan :: Kneepan (n.) A roundish, flattened, sesamoid bone in the tendon in front of the knee joint; the patella; the kneecap..
Kneepiece :: Kneepiece (n.) A piece shaped like a knee; as, the kneepieces or ears of a boat..
Stool :: Stool (n.) A bench or form for resting the feet or the knees; a footstool; as, a kneeling stool..
Prostration :: Prostration (n.) The act of falling down, or of bowing in humility or adoration; primarily, the act of falling on the face, but usually applied to kneeling or bowing in reverence and worship..
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