Definition of king

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of king is as below...

King (n.) The title of two historical books in the Old Testament.

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Irony :: Irony (n.) Dissimulation; ignorance feigned for the purpose of confounding or provoking an antagonist.
Taste :: Taste (n.) Intellectual relish; liking; fondness; -- formerly with of, now with for; as, he had no taste for study..
Percussion :: Percussion (n.) The act of percussing, or striking one body against another; forcible collision, esp. such as gives a sound or report..
Statehouse :: Statehood (n.) The condition of being a State; as, a territory seeking Statehood..
Gag :: Gag (v. t.) To stop the mouth of, by thrusting sometimes in, so as to hinder speaking; hence, to silence by authority or by violence; not to allow freedom of speech to..
Animadversion :: Animadversion (n.) The act or power of perceiving or taking notice; direct or simple perception.
Poking-stick :: Poking-stick (n.) A small stick or rod of steel, formerly used in adjusting the plaits of ruffs..
Myrmidon :: Myrmidon (n.) One of a fierce tribe or troop who accompained Achilles, their king, to the Trojan war..
Tonguy :: Tonguy (a.) Ready or voluble in speaking; as, a tonguy speaker..
Click :: Click (n.) A slight sharp noise, such as is made by the cocking of a pistol..
Miching :: Miching (a.) Hiding; skulking; cowardly.
Collision :: Collision (n.) The act of striking together; a striking together, as of two hard bodies; a violent meeting, as of railroad trains; a clashing..
Cassava :: Cassava (n.) A nutritious starch obtained from the rootstocks of the cassava plant, used as food and in making tapioca..
Picking :: Picking (n.) The act of digging or breaking up, as with a pick..
Screed :: Screed (n.) A breach or rent; a breaking forth into a loud, shrill sound; as, martial screeds..
Me :: Me (pers. pron.) The person speaking, regarded as an object; myself; a pronoun of the first person used as the objective and dative case of the pronoum I; as, he struck me; he gave me the money, or he gave the money to me; he got me a hat, or he got a hat for me..
Stiletto :: Stiletto (n.) A pointed instrument for making eyelet holes in embroidery.
Croak :: Croak (v. t.) To utter in a low, hoarse voice; to announce by croaking; to forebode; as, to croak disaster..
Display :: Display (v. i.) To make a display; to act as one making a show or demonstration.
Impaction :: Impaction (n.) An immovable packing; (Med.), a lodgment of something in a strait or passage of the body; as, impaction of the fetal head in the strait of the pelvis; impaction of food or feces in the intestines of man or beast..
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