Definition of judge

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"Judge (v. i.) One of supreme magistrates, with both civil and military powers, who governed Israel for more than four hundred years..

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Barratry :: Barratry (n.) The crime of a judge who is influenced by bribery in pronouncing judgment.
Wig :: Wig (n.) A covering for the head, consisting of hair interwoven or united by a kind of network, either in imitation of the natural growth, or in abundant and flowing curls, worn to supply a deficiency of natural hair, or for ornament, or according to traditional usage, as a part of an official or professional dress, the latter especially in England by judges and barristers..
Reconvention :: Reconvention (n.) A cross demand; an action brought by the defendant against the plaintiff before the same judge.
Judged :: Judged (imp. & p. p.) of Judg.
Centumvir :: Centumvir (n.) One of a court of about one hundred judges chosen to try civil suits. Under the empire the court was increased to 180, and met usually in four sections..
Foredeem :: Foredeem (v. t.) To recognize or judge in advance; to forebode.
Chamber :: Chamber (n.) A room or rooms where a lawyer transacts business; a room or rooms where a judge transacts such official business as may be done out of court.
Mind :: Mind (v.) The intellectual or rational faculty in man; the understanding; the intellect; the power that conceives, judges, or reasons; also, the entire spiritual nature; the soul; -- often in distinction from the body..
Arbitratrix :: Arbitratrix (n.) A female who arbitrates or judges.
Alcalde :: Alcalde (n.) A magistrate or judge in Spain and in Spanish America, etc..
Cital :: Cital (n.) Summons to appear, as before a judge..
Juge :: Juge (n.) A judge.
Evidence :: Evidence (n.) That which makes evident or manifest; that which furnishes, or tends to furnish, proof; any mode of proof; the ground of belief or judgement; as, the evidence of our senses; evidence of the truth or falsehood of a statement..
Gauge :: Gauge (v. t.) To measure the capacity, character, or ability of; to estimate; to judge of..
Measure :: Measure (n.) A standard of dimension; a fixed unit of quantity or extent; an extent or quantity in the fractions or multiples of which anything is estimated and stated; hence, a rule by which anything is adjusted or judged..
Kritarchy :: Kritarchy (n.) The rule of the judges over Israel.
Syndrome :: Syndicate (v. t.) To judge; to censure.
Guess :: Guess (v. t.) To form an opinion concerning, without knowledge or means of knowledge; to judge of at random; to conjecture..
Deliberate :: Deliberate (a.) Weighing facts and arguments with a view to a choice or decision; carefully considering the probable consequences of a step; circumspect; slow in determining; -- applied to persons; as, a deliberate judge or counselor..
Prejudice :: Prejudice (n.) A bias on the part of judge, juror, or witness which interferes with fairness of judgment..
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