Definition of independent

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Independent (a.) Expressing or indicating the feeling of independence; free; easy; bold; unconstrained; as, an independent air or manner..

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Without :: Without (prep.) Not with; otherwise than with; in absence of, separation from, or destitution of; not with use or employment of; independently of; exclusively of; with omission; as, without labor; without damage..
Independent :: Independent (a.) Not dependent; free; not subject to control by others; not relying on others; not subordinate; as, few men are wholly independent..
Emeer :: Emeer (n.) An Arabian military commander, independent chieftain, or ruler of a province; also, an honorary title given to the descendants of Mohammed, in the line of his daughter Fatima; among the Turks, likewise, a title of dignity, given to certain high officials..
Ground :: Ground (n.) A composition in which the bass, consisting of a few bars of independent notes, is continually repeated to a varying melody..
Mugwump :: Mugwump (n.) A bolter from the Republican party in the national election of 1884; an Independent.
Time :: Time (n.) Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof..
Autogenous :: Autogenous (a.) Developed from an independent center of ossification.
Liege :: Liege (a.) Sovereign; independent; having authority or right to allegiance; as, a liege lord..
Autonomous :: Autonomous (a.) Having independent existence or laws.
Henotheism :: Henotheism (n.) Primitive religion in which each of several divinities is regarded as independent, and is worshiped without reference to the rest..
Quickening :: Quickening (n.) The first motion of the fetus in the womb felt by the mother, occurring usually about the middle of the term of pregnancy. It has been popularly supposed to be due to the fetus becoming possessed of independent life..
Independent :: Independent (a.) Not dependent upon another quantity in respect to value or rate of variation; -- said of quantities or functions.
Multifariousness :: Multifariousness (n.) The fault of improperly uniting in one bill distinct and independent matters, and thereby confounding them..
Plasmid :: Plasmid (n.) A piece of DNA, usually circular, functioning as part of the genetic material of a cell, not integrated with the chromosome and replicating independently of the chromosome, but transferred, like the chromosome, to subsequent generations. In bacteria, plasmids often carry the genes for antibiotic resistance; they are exploited in genetic engineering as the vehicles for introduction of extraneous DNA into cells, to alter the genetic makeup of the cell. The cells thus altered may produ
Gyroscope :: Gyroscope (n.) A form of the above apparatus, invented by M. Foucault, mounted so delicately as to render visible the rotation of the earth, through the tendency of the rotating wheel to preserve a constant plane of rotation, independently of the earth's motion..
Homogeny :: Homogeny (n.) The correspondence of common descent; -- a term used to supersede homology by Lankester, who also used homoplasy to denote any superinduced correspondence of position and structure in parts embryonically distinct (other writers using the term homoplasmy). Thus, there is homogeny between the fore limb of a mammal and the wing of a bird; but the right and left ventricles of the heart in both are only in homoplasy with each other, these having arisen independently since the divergence
Independently :: Independently (adv.) In an independent manner; without control.
Independence :: Independence (n.) The state or quality of being independent; freedom from dependence; exemption from reliance on, or control by, others; self-subsistence or maintenance; direction of one's own affairs without interference..
Bridoon :: Bridoon (n.) The snaffle and rein of a military bridle, which acts independently of the bit, at the pleasure of the rider. It is used in connection with a curb bit, which has its own rein..
Certain :: Certain (a.) Not specifically named; indeterminate; indefinite; one or some; -- sometimes used independenty as a noun, and meaning certain persons..
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