Definition of independent

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Independent (a.) Not subject to bias or influence; not obsequious; self-directing; as, a man of an independent mind..

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Aecidium :: Aecidium (n.) A form of fruit in the cycle of development of the Rusts or Brands, an order of fungi, formerly considered independent plants..
Un- :: Un- (adv.) Those which have the value of independent words, inasmuch as the simple words are either not used at all, or are rarely, or at least much less frequently, used; as, unavoidable, unconscionable, undeniable, unspeakable, unprecedented, unruly, and the like; or inasmuch as they are used in a different sense from the usual meaning of the primitive, or especially in one of the significations of the latter; as, unaccountable, unalloyed, unbelieving, unpretending, unreserved, and the like; o
Bridoon :: Bridoon (n.) The snaffle and rein of a military bridle, which acts independently of the bit, at the pleasure of the rider. It is used in connection with a curb bit, which has its own rein..
Guerrilla :: Guerrilla (n.) An irregular mode of carrying on war, by the constant attacks of independent bands, adopted in the north of Spain during the Peninsular war..
Dominion :: Dominion (n.) Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling; independent right of possession, use, and control; sovereignty; supremacy..
Plasmid :: Plasmid (n.) A piece of DNA, usually circular, functioning as part of the genetic material of a cell, not integrated with the chromosome and replicating independently of the chromosome, but transferred, like the chromosome, to subsequent generations. In bacteria, plasmids often carry the genes for antibiotic resistance; they are exploited in genetic engineering as the vehicles for introduction of extraneous DNA into cells, to alter the genetic makeup of the cell. The cells thus altered may produ
Neomorph :: Neomorph (n.) A structure, part, or organ developed independently, that is, not derived from a similar structure, part, or organ, in a pre existing form..
Independent :: Independent (n.) One who does not acknowledge an obligation to support a party's candidate under all circumstances; one who exercises liberty in voting.
Treaty :: Treaty (n.) An agreement so made; specifically, an agreement, league, or contract between two or more nations or sovereigns, formally signed by commissioners properly authorized, and solemnly ratified by the several sovereigns, or the supreme power of each state; an agreement between two or more independent states; as, a treaty of peace; a treaty of alliance..
Hypothec :: Hypothec (n.) A landlord's right, independently of stipulation, over the stocking (cattle, implements, etc.), and crops of his tenant, as security for payment of rent..
Factorial :: Factorial (n.) A name given to the factors of a continued product when the former are derivable from one and the same function F(x) by successively imparting a constant increment or decrement h to the independent variable. Thus the product F(x).F(x + h).F(x + 2h) . . . F[x + (n-1)h] is called a factorial term, and its several factors take the name of factorials..
Self-existence :: Self-existence (n.) Inherent existence; existence possessed by virtue of a being's own nature, and independent of any other being or cause; -- an attribute peculiar to God..
Certain :: Certain (a.) Not specifically named; indeterminate; indefinite; one or some; -- sometimes used independenty as a noun, and meaning certain persons..
Absoluteness :: Absoluteness (n.) The quality of being absolute; independence of everything extraneous; unlimitedness; absolute power; independent reality; positiveness.
Canton :: Canton (n.) A small territorial district; esp. one of the twenty-two independent states which form the Swiss federal republic; in France, a subdivision of an arrondissement. See Arrondissement..
Colon :: Colon (n.) A point or character, formed thus [:], used to separate parts of a sentence that are complete in themselves and nearly independent, often taking the place of a conjunction..
Independent :: Independent (a.) Not subject to bias or influence; not obsequious; self-directing; as, a man of an independent mind..
Independent :: Independent (a.) Not bound by party; exercising a free choice in voting with either or any party.
Selfhood :: Selfhood (n.) Existence as a separate self, or independent person; conscious personality; individuality..
East :: East (n.) Formerly, the part of the United States east of the Alleghany Mountains, esp. the Eastern, or New England, States; now, commonly, the whole region east of the Mississippi River, esp. that which is north of Maryland and the Ohio River; -- usually with the definite article; as, the commerce of the East is not independent of the agriculture of the West..
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