Definition of immediate

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Immediate (a.) Acting with nothing interposed or between, or without the intervention of another object as a cause, means, or agency; acting, perceived, or produced, directly; as, an immediate cause..

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Directly :: Directly (adv.) Straightway; next in order; without delay; immediately.
Hydra :: Hydra (n.) A serpent or monster in the lake or marsh of Lerna, in the Peloponnesus, represented as having many heads, one of which, when cut off, was immediately succeeded by two others, unless the wound was cauterized. It was slain by Hercules. Hence, a terrible monster..
Instanter :: Instanter (a.) Immediately; instantly; at once; as, he left instanter..
Straightways :: Straightway (adv.) Immediately; without loss of time; without delay.
Parasphenoid :: Parasphenoid (a.) Near the sphenoid bone; -- applied especially to a bone situated immediately beneath the sphenoid in the base of the skull in many animals.
Theocratical :: Theocratical (a.) Of or pertaining to a theocracy; administred by the immediate direction of God; as, the theocratical state of the Israelites..
Closure :: Closure (v. t.) A method of putting an end to debate and securing an immediate vote upon a measure before a legislative body. It is similar in effect to the previous question. It was first introduced into the British House of Commons in 1882. The French word cloture was originally applied to this proceeding.
Immediacy :: Immediacy (n.) The relation of freedom from the interventionof a medium; immediateness.
Consciousness :: Consciousness (n.) Immediate knowledge or perception of the presence of any object, state, or sensation. See the Note under Attention..
Blubber :: Blubber (n.) The fat of whales and other large sea animals from which oil is obtained. It lies immediately under the skin and over the muscular flesh.
Prevertebral :: Prevertebral (a.) Situated immediately in front, or on the ventral side, of the vertebral column; prespinal..
Direct :: Direct (a.) Immediate; express; plain; unambiguous.
Balmoral :: Balmoral (n.) A long woolen petticoat, worn immediately under the dress..
Indusium :: Indusium (n.) The immediate covering of the fruit dots or sori in many ferns, usually a very thin scale attached by the middle or side to a veinlet..
Proximately :: Proximately (adv.) In a proximate manner, position, or degree; immediately..
With :: With (prep.) To denote simultaneous happening, or immediate succession or consequence..
Foothot :: Foothot (adv.) Hastily; immediately; instantly; on the spot; hotfloot.
Proximity :: Proximity (n.) The quality or state of being next in time, place, causation, influence, etc.; immediate nearness, either in place, blood, or alliance..
Digenea :: Digenea (n. pl.) A division of Trematoda in which alternate generations occur, the immediate young not resembling their parents..
Epistyle :: Epistyle (n.) A massive piece of stone or wood laid immediately on the abacus of the capital of a column or pillar; -- now called architrave.
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