Definition of imitative

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Imitative (a.) Inclined to imitate, copy, or follow; imitating; exhibiting some of the qualities or characteristics of a pattern or model; dependent on example; not original; as, man is an imitative being; painting is an imitative art..

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Peabody Bird :: Peabody bird () An American sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) having a conspicuous white throat. The name is imitative of its note. Called also White-throated sparrow.
Artful :: Artful (a.) Artificial; imitative.
Onomatope :: Onomatope (n.) An imitative word; an onomatopoetic word.
Onomatopoetic :: Onomatopoetic (a.) Of or pertaining to onomatopoeia; characterized by onomatopoeia; imitative; as, an onomatopoetic writer or word..
Reduplication :: Reduplication (n.) The doubling of a stem or syllable (more or less modified), with the effect of changing the time expressed, intensifying the meaning, or making the word more imitative; also, the syllable thus added; as, L. tetuli; poposci..
Tu-whoo :: Tu-whoo (n. & interj.) Words imitative of the notes of the owl.
Imitative :: Imitative (a.) Designed to imitate another species of animal, or a plant, or inanimate object, for some useful purpose, such as protection from enemies; having resamblance to something else; as, imitative colors; imitative habits; dendritic and mammillary forms of minerals are imitative..
Mimical :: Mimical (a.) Imitative; characterized by resemblance to other forms; -- applied to crystals which by twinning resemble simple forms of a higher grade of symmetry.
Imitative :: Imitative (n.) A verb expressive of imitation or resemblance.
Mimically :: Mimically (adv.) In an imitative manner.
Imitative :: Imitative (a.) Inclined to imitate, copy, or follow; imitating; exhibiting some of the qualities or characteristics of a pattern or model; dependent on example; not original; as, man is an imitative being; painting is an imitative art..
Mimetical :: Mimetical () Apt to imitate; given to mimicry; imitative.
Onomatopoeia :: Onomatopoeia (n.) The formation of words in imitation of sounds; a figure of speech in which the sound of a word is imitative of the sound of the thing which the word represents; as, the buzz of bees; the hiss of a goose; the crackle of fire..
Mimical :: Mimical (a.) Imitative; mimetic.
Archaistic :: Archaistic (a.) Like, or imitative of, anything archaic; pertaining to an archaism..
Bronzing :: Bronzing (n.) The act or art of communicating to articles in metal, wood, clay, plaster, etc., the appearance of bronze by means of bronze powders, or imitative painting, or by chemical processes..
Effigy :: Effigy (n.) The image, likeness, or representation of a person, whether a full figure, or a part; an imitative figure; -- commonly applied to sculptured likenesses, as those on monuments, or to those of the heads of princes on coins and medals, sometimes applied to portraits..
Genre :: Genre (n.) A style of painting, sculpture, or other imitative art, which illustrates everyday life and manners..
Imitative :: Imitative (a.) Formed after a model, pattern, or original..
Princified :: Princified (a.) Imitative of a prince.
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