Definition of imitation

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Imitation (n.) The act of imitating.

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Mockado :: Mockado (n.) A stuff made in imitation of velvet; -- probably the same as mock velvet.
Paste :: Paste (n.) A highly refractive vitreous composition, variously colored, used in making imitations of precious stones or gems. See Strass..
Topically :: Topically (adv.) In a topical manner; with application to, or limitation of, a particular place or topic..
Limitation :: Limitation (v. t.) A restriction of power; as, a constitutional limitation..
Whip-poor-will :: Whip-poor-will (n.) An American bird (Antrostomus vociferus) allied to the nighthawk and goatsucker; -- so called in imitation of the peculiar notes which it utters in the evening.
Mimesis :: Mimesis (n.) Imitation; mimicry.
Eburin :: Eburin (n.) A composition of dust of ivory or of bone with a cement; -- used for imitations of valuable stones and in making moldings, seals, etc..
Pinchbeck :: Pinchbeck (n.) An alloy of copper and zinc, resembling gold; a yellow metal, composed of about three ounces of zinc to a pound of copper. It is much used as an imitation of gold in the manufacture of cheap jewelry..
After :: After (prep.) In imitation of; in conformity with; after the manner of; as, to make a thing after a model; a picture after Rubens; the boy takes after his father..
Imitational :: Imitational (a.) Pertaining to, or employed in, imitation; as, imitational propensities..
Stigmaria :: Stigma (v. t.) Marks believed to have been supernaturally impressed upon the bodies of certain persons in imitation of the wounds on the crucified body of Christ. See def. 5, above..
Muster :: Muster (v. t.) Something shown for imitation; a pattern.
Nankeen :: Nankeen (n.) An imitation of this cloth by artificial coloring.
Imitation :: Imitation (n.) One of the principal means of securing unity and consistency in polyphonic composition; the repetition of essentially the same melodic theme, phrase, or motive, on different degrees of pitch, by one or more of the other parts of voises. Cf. Canon..
Rib :: Rib (n.) In Gothic vaulting, one of the primary members of the vault. These are strong arches, meeting and crossing one another, dividing the whole space into triangles, which are then filled by vaulted construction of lighter material. Hence, an imitation of one of these in wood, plaster, or the like..
Mundil :: Mundil (n.) A turban ornamented with an imitation of gold or silver embroidery.
Corrective :: Corrective (n.) Limitation; restriction.
Limitedly :: Limitedly (adv.) With limitation.
Exemplary :: Exemplary (a.) Serving as a pattern; deserving to be proposed for imitation; commendable; as, an exemplary person; exemplary conduct..
Burst :: Burst (v. i.) To exert force or pressure by which something is made suddenly to give way; to break through obstacles or limitations; hence, to appear suddenly and unexpectedly or unaccountably, or to depart in such manner; -- usually with some qualifying adverb or preposition, as forth, out, away, into, upon, through, etc..
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