Definition of idol

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Idol (n.) A false notion or conception; a fallacy.

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Ethnicism :: Ethnicism (n.) Heathenism; paganism; idolatry.
Heathenism :: Heathenism (n.) The religious system or rites of a heathen nation; idolatry; paganism.
Worship :: Worship (v. t.) To honor with extravagant love and extreme submission, as a lover; to adore; to idolize..
Devata :: Devata (n.) A deity; a divine being; a good spirit; an idol.
Idolographical :: Idolographical (a.) Descriptive of idols.
Idol :: Idol (n.) An image of a divinity; a representation or symbol of a deity or any other being or thing, made or used as an object of worship; a similitude of a false god..
Idolize :: Idolize (v. t.) To love to excess; to love or reverence to adoration; as, to idolize gold, children, a hero..
Idolater :: Idolater (n.) An adorer; a great admirer.
Ting :: Ting (n.) The apartment in a Chinese temple where the idol is kept.
Ichthyomorphous :: Ichthyomorphous (a.) Fish-shaped; as, the ichthyomorphic idols of ancient Assyria..
Pagan :: Pagan (n.) One who worships false gods; an idolater; a heathen; one who is neither a Christian, a Mohammedan, nor a Jew..
Idolatrous :: Idolatrous (a.) Consisting in, or partaking of, an excessive attachment or reverence; as, an idolatrous veneration for antiquity..
Pagan :: Pagan (n.) Of or pertaining to pagans; relating to the worship or the worshipers of false goods; heathen; idolatrous, as, pagan tribes or superstitions..
Iconoclast :: Iconoclast (n.) A breaker or destroyer of images or idols; a determined enemy of idol worship.
God :: God (n.) A being conceived of as possessing supernatural power, and to be propitiated by sacrifice, worship, etc.; a divinity; a deity; an object of worship; an idol..
Idolism :: Idolism (n.) The worship of idols.
Lepidolite :: Lepidolite (n.) A species of mica, of a lilac or rose-violet color, containing lithia. It usually occurs in masses consisting of small scales. See Mica..
Lithium :: Lithium (n.) A metallic element of the alkaline group, occurring in several minerals, as petalite, spodumene, lepidolite, triphylite, etc., and otherwise widely disseminated, though in small quantities..
Mawmet :: Mawmet (n.) A puppet; a doll; originally, an idol, because in the Middle Ages it was generally believed that the Mohammedans worshiped images representing Mohammed..
God :: God (v. t.) To treat as a god; to idolize.
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