Definition of idle

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Idle (superl.) Not employed; unoccupied with business; inactive; doing nothing; as, idle workmen..

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Bridle :: Bridle (n.) A span of rope, line, or chain made fast as both ends, so that another rope, line, or chain may be attached to its middle..
Bugbear :: Bugbear (v. t.) To alarm with idle phantoms.
Idleness :: Idleness (n.) The condition or quality of being idle (in the various senses of that word); uselessness; fruitlessness; triviality; inactivity; laziness.
Avoidless :: Avoidless (a.) Unavoidable; inevitable.
Chatterer :: Chatterer (n.) A prater; an idle talker.
Woolgathering :: Woolgathering (n.) Indulgence in idle imagination; a foolish or useless pursuit or design.
Crownpiece :: Crownpiece (n.) A piece or part which passes over the head, as in a bridle..
Dream :: Dream (n.) To let the mind run on in idle revery or vagary; to anticipate vaguely as a coming and happy reality; to have a visionary notion or idea; to imagine.
Slug :: Slug (v. i.) To move slowly; to lie idle.
Bummer :: Bummer (n.) An idle, worthless fellow, who is without any visible means of support; a dissipated sponger..
Loiterer :: Loiterer (n.) An idle vagrant; a tramp.
Project :: Project (n.) An idle scheme; an impracticable design; as, a man given to projects..
Vapor :: Vapor (n.) Something unsubstantial, fleeting, or transitory; unreal fancy; vain imagination; idle talk; boasting..
Idler :: Idler (n.) An idle wheel or pulley. See under Idle.
Chaff :: Chaff (v. i.) To use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter..
Ragabrash :: Ragabrash (n.) An idle, ragged person..
Sidled :: Sidled (imp. & p. p.) of Sidl.
Tidley :: Tidley (n.) The goldcrest.
Masticador :: Masticador (n.) A part of a bridle, the slavering bit..
Inveterate :: Inveterate (a.) Having habits fixed by long continuance; confirmed; habitual; as, an inveterate idler or smoker..
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