Definition of identical

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Identical (a.) Uttering sameness or the same truth; expressing in the predicate what is given, or obviously implied, in the subject; tautological..

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Phocenic :: Phocenic (a.) Of or pertaining to dolphin oil or porpoise oil; -- said of an acid (called also delphinic acid) subsequently found to be identical with valeric acid.
Identity :: Identity (n.) An identical equation.
Duboisine :: Duboisine (n.) An alkaloid obtained from the leaves of an Australian tree (Duboisia myoporoides), and regarded as identical with hyoscyamine. It produces dilation of the pupil of the eye..
Buxine :: Buxine (n.) An alkaloid obtained from the Buxus sempervirens, or common box tree. It is identical with bebeerine; -- called also buxina..
Tunicin :: Tunicin (n.) Animal cellulose; a substance present in the mantle, or tunic, of the Tunicates, which resembles, or is identical with, the cellulose of the vegetable kingdom..
Distinct :: Distinct (a.) Not identical; different; individual.
Ipomoeic :: Ipomoeic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained by the oxidation of convolvulin (obtained from jalap, the tubers of Ipomoea purga), and identical in most of its properties with sebacic acid..
Oenanthylic :: Oenanthylic (a.) Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, oenanthyl; specifically, designating an acid formerly supposed to be identical with the acid in oenanthic ether, but now known to be identical with heptoic acid..
Polygalic :: Polygalic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, Polygala; specifically, designating an acrid glucoside (called polygalic acid, senegin, etc.), resembling, or possibly identical with, saponin..
Identity :: Identity (n.) The state or quality of being identical, or the same; sameness..
Lycine :: Lycine (n.) A weak base identical with betaine; -- so called because found in the boxthorn (Lycium barbarum). See Betaine.
Brookite :: Brookite (n.) A mineral consisting of titanic oxide, and hence identical with rutile and octahedrite in composition, but crystallizing in the orthorhombic system..
Identical :: Identical (a.) The same; the selfsame; the very same; not different; as, the identical person or thing..
Tautoousious :: Tautoousious (a.) Having the same essence; being identically of the same nature.
Leucoline :: Leucoline (n.) A nitrogenous organic base from coal tar, and identical with quinoline. Cf. Quinoline..
Homograph :: Homograph (n.) One of two or more words identical in orthography, but having different derivations and meanings; as, fair, n., a market, and fair, a., beautiful..
Opianine :: Opianine (n.) An alkaloid found in small quantity in opium. It is identical with narcotine.
Uroglaucin :: Uroglaucin (n.) A body identical with indigo blue, occasionally found in the urine in degeneration of the kidneys. It is readily formed by oxidation or decomposition of indican..
Self :: Self (a.) Same; particular; very; identical.
Urochrome :: Urochrome (n.) A yellow urinary pigment, considered by Thudichum as the only pigment present in normal urine. It is regarded by Maly as identical with urobilin..
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