Definition of hum

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Hum (n.) An imposition or hoax.

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Hop-thumb :: Hop-thumb (n.) See Hop-o'-my-thumb.
Wag :: Wag (v.) A man full of sport and humor; a ludicrous fellow; a humorist; a wit; a joker.
Botfly :: Botfly (n.) A dipterous insect of the family (Estridae, of many different species, some of which are particularly troublesome to domestic animals, as the horse, ox, and sheep, on which they deposit their eggs. A common species is one of the botflies of the horse (Gastrophilus equi), the larvae of which (bots) are taken into the stomach of the animal, where they live several months and pass through their larval states. In tropical America one species sometimes lives under the human skin, and anot
Humane :: Humane (a.) Pertaining to man; human.
Earthborn :: Earthborn (a.) Born of the earth; terrigenous; springing originally from the earth; human.
Brute :: Brute (n.) An animal destitute of human reason; any animal not human; esp. a quadruped; a beast.
Water Dock :: Water dock () A tall, coarse dock growing in wet places. The American water dock is Rumex orbiculatus, the European is R. Hydrolapathum..
Humoristic :: Humoristic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a humorist..
Chump :: Chump (n.) A short, thick, heavy piece of wood..
Contrite :: Contrite (a.) Broken down with grief and penitence; deeply sorrowful for sin because it is displeasing to God; humbly and thoroughly penitent.
Isocephalism :: Isocephalism (n.) A peculiarity in the design of bas-relief by which the heads of human figures are kept at the same height from the ground, whether the personages are seated, standing, or mounted on horseback; -- called also isokephaleia..
Dishumor :: Dishumor (v. t.) To deprive of humor or desire; to put out of humor.
Zythem :: Zythem (n.) See Zythum.
Synclastic :: Synchysis (n.) A derangement or confusion of any kind, as of words in a sentence, or of humors in the eye..
Waggish :: Waggish (a.) Done, made, or laid in waggery or for sport; sportive; humorous; as, a waggish trick..
Beef :: Beef (n.) Applied colloquially to human flesh.
Humanist :: Humanist (n.) One versed in knowledge of human nature.
Blob :: Blob (n.) A small fresh-water fish (Uranidea Richardsoni); the miller's thumb.
Creature :: Creature (n.) A human being, in pity, contempt, or endearment; as, a poor creature; a pretty creature..
Figurine :: Figurine (n.) A very small figure, whether human or of an animal; especially, one in terra cotta or the like; -- distinguished from statuette, which is applied to small figures in bronze, marble, etc..
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