Definition of how

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How (adv.) To what degree or extent, number or amount; in what proportion; by what measure or quality..

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Gelsemium :: Gelsemium (n.) A genus of climbing plants. The yellow (false) jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens) is a native of the Southern United States. It has showy and deliciously fragrant flowers.
Approve :: Approve (v. t.) To show to be real or true; to prove.
Masquerade :: Masquerade (v. i.) To frolic or disport in disquise; to make a pretentious show of being what one is not.
Rosebay :: Rosebay (n.) An herb (Epilobium spicatum) with showy purple flowers, common in Europe and North America; -- called also great willow herb..
Show :: Show (n.) A discharge, from the vagina, of mucus streaked with blood, occuring a short time before labor..
Demonstrate :: Demonstrate (v. t.) To point out; to show; to exhibit; to make evident.
Sheen :: Sheen (v. t.) Bright; glittering; radiant; fair; showy; sheeny.
Willow-herb :: Willow-herb (n.) A perennial herb (Epilobium spicatum) with narrow willowlike leaves and showy rose-purple flowers. The name is sometimes made to include other species of the same genus.
Profile :: Profile (n.) A section of any member, made at right angles with its main lines, showing the exact shape of moldings and the like..
Exhibitory :: Exhibitory (a.) Exhibiting; publicly showing.
Lead :: Lead (v. i.) To guide or conduct, as by accompanying, going before, showing, influencing, directing with authority, etc.; to have precedence or preeminence; to be first or chief; -- used in most of the senses of lead, v. t..
Transept :: Transept (n.) The transversal part of a church, which crosses at right angles to the greatest length, and between the nave and choir. In the basilicas, this had often no projection at its two ends. In Gothic churches these project these project greatly, and should be called the arms of the transept. It is common, however, to speak of the arms themselves as the transepts..
Phlox :: Phlox (n.) A genus of American herbs, having showy red, white, or purple flowers..
Pompous :: Pompous (a.) Displaying pomp; stately; showy with grandeur; magnificent; as, a pompous procession..
Shewer :: Shewer (n.) One who shews. See Shower.
Child :: Child (n.) One who, by character of practice, shows signs of relationship to, or of the influence of, another; one closely connected with a place, occupation, character, etc.; as, a child of God; a child of the devil; a child of disobedience; a child of toil; a child of the people..
Flash :: Flash (n.) A sudden and brilliant burst, as of wit or genius; a momentary brightness or show..
Garnish :: Garnish (n.) Something added for embellishment; decoration; ornament; also, dress; garments, especially such as are showy or decorated..
Raree-show :: Raree-show (n.) A show carried about in a box; a peep show.
Slashed :: Slashed (a.) Marked or cut with a slash or slashes; deeply gashed; especially, having long, narrow openings, as a sleeve or other part of a garment, to show rich lining or under vesture..
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