Definition of hood

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Hood (v. t.) To cover; to hide; to blind.

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Tonnihood :: Tonnihood (n.) The female of the bullfinch; -- called also tonyhoop.
Calash :: Calash (n.) A hood, formerly worn by ladies, which could be drawn forward or thrown back like the top of a carriage..
Countryside :: Countryside (n.) A particular rural district; a country neighborhood.
Burnous :: Burnous (n.) A cloaklike garment and hood woven in one piece, worn by Arabs..
Childhood :: Childhood (n.) Children, taken collectively..
Knighthood :: Knighthood (n.) The whole body of knights.
Hoodlum :: Hoodlum (n.) A young rowdy; a rough, lawless fellow..
Hood :: Hood (n.) A covering or garment for the head or the head and shoulders, often attached to the body garment.
Incapable :: Incapable (a.) Not capable of being brought to do or perform, because morally strong or well disposed; -- used with reference to some evil; as, incapable of wrong, dishonesty, or falsehood..
Propinquity :: Propinquity (n.) Nearness in place; neighborhood; proximity.
Sharking :: Sharking (n.) Petty rapine; trick; also, seeking a livelihood by shifts and dishonest devices..
Blear :: Blear (v. t.) To make somewhat sore or watery, as the eyes; to dim, or blur, as the sight. Figuratively: To obscure (mental or moral perception); to blind; to hoodwink..
Vagabond :: Vagabond (n.) One who wanders from place to place, having no fixed dwelling, or not abiding in it, and usually without the means of honest livelihood; a vagrant; a tramp; hence, a worthless person; a rascal..
Unhood :: Unhood (v. t.) To remove a hood or disguise from.
Interweave :: Interweave (v. t.) To intermingle; to unite intimately; to connect closely; as, to interweave truth with falsehood..
Foolhardihood :: Foolhardihood (n.) The state of being foolhardy; foolhardiness.
Gentlemanhood :: Gentlemanhood (n.) The qualities or condition of a gentleman.
Paternity :: Paternity (n.) The relation of a father to his child; fathership; fatherhood; family headship; as, the divine paternity..
Hooded :: Hooded (a.) Having the head conspicuously different in color from the rest of the plumage; -- said of birds.
Evidence :: Evidence (n.) That which makes evident or manifest; that which furnishes, or tends to furnish, proof; any mode of proof; the ground of belief or judgement; as, the evidence of our senses; evidence of the truth or falsehood of a statement..
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