Definition of heart

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Heart (n.) Courage; courageous purpose; spirit.

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Synantherous :: Synangium (n.) The divided part beyond the pylangium in the aortic trunk of the amphibian heart.
Spatangoidea :: Spatangoidea (n. pl.) An order of irregular sea urchins, usually having a more or less heart-shaped shell with four or five petal-like ambulacra above. The mouth is edentulous and situated anteriorly, on the under side..
Purpleheart :: Purpleheart (n.) A strong, durable, and elastic wood of a purplish color, obtained from several tropical American leguminous trees of the genus Copaifera (C. pubiflora, bracteata, and officinalis). Used for decorative veneering. See Copaiba..
Pliant :: Pliant (v.) Capable of plying or bending; readily yielding to force or pressure without breaking; flexible; pliable; lithe; limber; plastic; as, a pliant thread; pliant wax. Also used figuratively: Easily influenced for good or evil; tractable; as, a pliant heart..
Stomate :: Stomapoda (n. pl.) An order of Crustacea including the squillas. The maxillipeds are leglike in form, and the large claws are comblike. They have a large and elongated abdomen, which contains a part of the stomach and heart; the abdominal appendages are large, and bear the gills. Called also Gastrula, Stomatopoda, and Squilloidea..
Stoutish :: Stout-hearted (a.) Having a brave heart; courageous.
Pernot Furnace :: Pernot furnace () A reverberatory furnace with a circular revolving hearth, -- used in making steel..
Doublehearted :: Doublehearted (a.) Having a false heart; deceitful; treacherous.
Sphygmogram :: Sphygmogram (n.) A tracing, called a pulse tracing, consisting of a series of curves corresponding with the beats of the heart, obtained by the application of the sphygmograph..
Innocence :: Innocence (n.) The state or quality of being morally free from guilt or sin; purity of heart; blamelessness.
Lief :: Lief (n.) A dear one; a sweetheart.
Vein :: Vein (n.) One of the vessels which carry blood, either venous or arterial, to the heart. See Artery, 2..
Heartdear :: Heartdear (a.) Sincerely beloved.
Leman :: Leman (n.) A sweetheart, of either sex; a gallant, or a mistress; -- usually in a bad sense..
Careless :: Careless (a.) Free from care or anxiety. hence, cheerful; light-hearted..
Obdurate :: Obdurate (a.) Hardened in feelings, esp. against moral or mollifying influences; unyielding; hard-hearted; stubbornly wicked..
Courage :: Courage (n.) That quality of mind which enables one to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear, or fainting of heart; valor; boldness; resolution..
Fire :: Fire (n.) Fuel in a state of combustion, as on a hearth, or in a stove or a furnace..
Regulus :: Regulus (n.) A star of the first magnitude in the constellation Leo; -- called also the Lion's Heart.
Heartache :: Heartache (n.) Sorrow; anguish of mind; mental pang.
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