Definition of halm

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Halm (n.) Same as Haulm.

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Edriophthalmous :: Edriophthalmous (a.) Pertaining to the Edriophthalma.
Xerophthalmy :: Xerophthalmy (n.) Xerophthalmia.
Ophthalmic :: Ophthalmic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the eye; ocular; as the ophthalmic, or orbitonasal, nerve, a division of the trigeminal, which gives branches to the lachrymal gland, eyelids, nose, and forehead..
Podophthalmic :: Podophthalmic (a.) Alt. of Podophthalmou.
Goggler :: Goggler (n.) A carangoid oceanic fish (Trachurops crumenophthalmus), having very large and prominent eyes; -- called also goggle-eye, big-eyed scad, and cicharra..
Ophthalmologist :: Ophthalmologist (n.) One skilled in ophthalmology; an oculist.
Lagophthalmia :: Lagophthalmia (n.) Alt. of Lagophthalmo.
Basedow''s Disease :: Basedow's disease () A disease characterized by enlargement of the thyroid gland, prominence of the eyeballs, and inordinate action of the heart; -- called also exophthalmic goiter..
Orbitonasal :: Orbitonasal (a.) Of or pertaining to the orbit and the nose; as, the orbitonasal, or ophthalmic, nerve..
Lagophthalmos :: Lagophthalmos (n.) A morbid condition in which the eye stands wide open, giving a peculiar staring appearance..
Ophthalmia :: Ophthalmia (n.) An inflammation of the membranes or coats of the eye or of the eyeball.
Ophthalmometer :: Ophthalmometer (n.) An instrument devised by Helmholtz for measuring the size of a reflected image on the convex surface of the cornea and lens of the eye, by which their curvature can be ascertained..
Monothalmic :: Monothalmic (a.) Formed from one pistil; -- said of fruits.
Iridioscope :: Iridioscope (n.) A kind of ophthalmoscope.
Sentinel :: Sentinel (n.) A marine crab (Podophthalmus vigil) native of the Indian Ocean, remarkable for the great length of its eyestalks; -- called also sentinel crab..
Shalm :: Shalm (n.) See Shawm.
Halmas :: Halmas (a.) The feast of All Saints; Hallowmas.
Podophthalmite :: Podophthalmite (n.) The eyestalk of a crustacean.
Phlyctenular :: Phlyctenular (a.) Characterized by the presence of small pustules, or whitish elevations resembling pustules; as, phlyctenular ophthalmia..
Ichthyophthalmite :: Ichthyophthalmite (n.) See Apophyllite.
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