Definition of hail

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Hail (n.) Small roundish masses of ice precipitated from the clouds, where they are formed by the congelation of vapor. The separate masses or grains are called hailstones..

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Greet :: Greet (v. t.) To address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes; to salute; to hail; to welcome; to accost with friendship; to pay respects or compliments to, either personally or through the intervention of another, or by writing or token..
Hail :: Hail (v. i.) To report as one's home or the place from whence one comes; to come; -- with from.
Sleet :: Sleet (n.) Hail or snow, mingled with rain, usually falling, or driven by the wind, in fine particles..
Haily :: Haily (a.) Of hail.
Engrail :: Engrail (v. t.) To variegate or spot, as with hail..
Pelt :: Pelt (v. t.) To strike with something thrown or driven; to assail with pellets or missiles, as, to pelt with stones; pelted with hail..
Hail :: Hail (v. i.) To pour down particles of ice, or frozen vapors..
Henna :: Henna (n.) A thorny tree or shrub of the genus Lawsonia (L. alba). The fragrant white blossoms are used by the Buddhists in religious ceremonies. The powdered leaves furnish a red coloring matter used in the East to stain the hails and fingers, the manes of horses, etc..
Gust :: Gust (n.) A sudden squall; a violent blast of wind; a sudden and brief rushing or driving of the wind. Snow, and hail, stormy gust and flaw..
Paragrandine :: Paragrandine (n.) An instrument to avert the occurrence of hailstorms. See Paragr/le.
Sleet :: Sleet (v. i.) To snow or hail with a mixture of rain.
Salute :: Salute (v. t.) To address, as with expressions of kind wishes and courtesy; to greet; to hail..
Tempest :: Tempest (n.) An extensive current of wind, rushing with great velocity and violence, and commonly attended with rain, hail, or snow; a furious storm..
Paragrele :: Paragrele (n.) A lightning conductor erected, as in a vineyard, for drawing off the electricity in the atmosphere in order to prevent hailstorms..
Hail :: Hail (v. i.) To declare, by hailing, the port from which a vessel sails or where she is registered; hence, to sail; to come; -- used with from; as, the steamer hails from New York..
Hailstorm :: Hailstorm (n.) A storm accompanied with hail; a shower of hail.
Against :: Against (prep.) From an opposite direction so as to strike or come in contact with; in contact with; upon; as, hail beats against the roof..
Salve :: Salve (interj.) Hail.
Hailse :: Hailse (v. t.) To greet; to salute.
Hail :: Hail (v. t.) An exclamation of respectful or reverent salutation, or, occasionally, of familiar greeting..
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