Definition of grained

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Grained (a.) Having a grain; divided into small particles or grains; showing the grain; hence, rough..

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Knurl :: Knurl (n.) One who, or that which, is crossgrained..
Grained :: Grained (imp. & p. p.) of Grai.
Greening :: Greening (n.) A greenish apple, of several varieties, among which the Rhode Island greening is the best known for its fine-grained acid flesh and its excellent keeping quality..
Tamarack :: Tamarack (n.) The black pine (Pinus Murrayana) of Alaska, California, etc. It is a small tree with fine-grained wood..
Crossgrained :: Crossgrained (a.) Having the grain or fibers run diagonally, or more or less transversely an irregularly, so as to interfere with splitting or planing..
Hackmatack :: Hackmatack (n.) The American larch (Larix Americana), a coniferous tree with slender deciduous leaves; also, its heavy, close-grained timber. Called also tamarack..
Ugly :: Ugly (superl.) Ill-natured; crossgrained; quarrelsome; as, an ugly temper; to feel ugly..
Gnarly :: Gnarly (a.) Full of knots; knotty; twisted; crossgrained.
Mustaiba :: Mustaiba (n.) A close-grained, neavy wood of a brownish color, brought from Brazil, and used in turning, for making the handles of tools, and the like..
Vermicelli :: Vermicelli (n.) The flour of a hard and small-grained wheat made into dough, and forced through small cylinders or pipes till it takes a slender, wormlike form, whence the Italian name. When the paste is made in larger tubes, it is called macaroni..
Coarse-grained :: Coarse-grained (a.) Having a coarse grain or texture, as wood; hence, wanting in refinement..
Porphyry :: Porphyry (n.) A term used somewhat loosely to designate a rock consisting of a fine-grained base (usually feldspathic) through which crystals, as of feldspar or quartz, are disseminated. There are red, purple, and green varieties, which are highly esteemed as marbles..
Ivory :: Ivory (n.) The hard, white, opaque, fine-grained substance constituting the tusks of the elephant. It is a variety of dentine, characterized by the minuteness and close arrangement of the tubes, as also by their double flexure. It is used in manufacturing articles of ornament or utility..
Ingrained :: Ingrained (imp. & p. p.) of Ingrai.
Knurl :: Knurl (n.) A contorted knot in wood; a crossgrained protuberance; a nodule; a boss or projection.
Aphanitic :: Aphanitic (a.) Resembling aphanite; having a very fine-grained structure.
Grit :: Grit (n.) A hard, coarse-grained siliceous sandstone; as, millstone grit; -- called also gritrock and gritstone. The name is also applied to a finer sharp-grained sandstone; as, grindstone grit..
Grained :: Grained (a.) Painted or stained in imitation of the grain of wood, marble, etc..
Felsite :: Felsite (n.) A finegrained rock, flintlike in fracture, consisting essentially of orthoclase feldspar with occasional grains of quartz..
Grained :: Grained (a.) Having tubercles or grainlike processes, as the petals or sepals of some flowers..
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