Definition of graduate

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Graduate (v. i.) To pass by degrees; to change gradually; to shade off; as, sandstone which graduates into gneiss; carnelian sometimes graduates into quartz..

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Reading :: Reading (n.) An observation read from the scale of a graduated instrument; as, the reading of a barometer..
Graduated :: Graduated (a.) Marked with, or divided into, degrees; divided into grades..
Circle :: Circle (n.) An instrument of observation, the graduated limb of which consists of an entire circle..
Circumferentor :: Circumferentor (n.) A surveying instrument, for taking horizontal angles and bearings; a surveyor's compass. It consists of a compass whose needle plays over a circle graduated to 360�, and of a horizontal brass bar at the ends of which are standards with narrow slits for sighting, supported on a tripod by a ball and socket joint..
Centigrade :: Centigrade (a.) Consisting of a hundred degrees; graduated into a hundred divisions or equal parts.
Stadtholder :: Stadium (n.) A kind of telemeter for measuring the distance of an object of known dimensions, by observing the angle it subtends; especially (Surveying), a graduated rod used to measure the distance of the place where it stands from an instrument having a telescope, by observing the number of the graduations of the rod that are seen between certain parallel wires (stadia wires) in the field of view of the telescope; -- also called stadia, and stadia rod..
Cathetometer :: Cathetometer (n.) An instrument for the accurate measurement of small differences of height; esp. of the differences in the height of the upper surfaces of two columns of mercury or other fluid, or of the same column at different times. It consists of a telescopic leveling apparatus (d), which slides up or down a perpendicular metallic standard very finely graduated (bb). The telescope is raised or depressed in order to sight the objects or surfaces, and the differences in vertical height are th
Measure :: Measure (n.) An instrument by means of which size or quantity is measured, as a graduated line, rod, vessel, or the like..
Circumferentor :: Circumferentor (n.) A graduated wheel for measuring tires; a tire circle.
Limb :: Limb (n.) The graduated margin of an arc or circle, in an instrument for measuring angles..
Cantabrigian :: Cantabrigian (n.) A native or resident of Cambridge; esp. a student or graduate of the university of Cambridge, England..
Alcoholmeter :: Alcoholmeter (n.) An instrument for determining the strength of spirits, with a scale graduated so as to indicate the percentage of pure alcohol, either by weight or volume. It is usually a form of hydrometer with a special scale..
Undergraduateship :: Undergraduateship (n.) The position or condition of an undergraduate.
Calibration :: Calibration (n.) The process of estimating the caliber a tube, as of a thermometer tube, in order to graduate it to a scale of degrees; also, more generally, the determination of the true value of the spaces in any graduated instrument..
Graduate :: Graduate (n.) To mark with degrees; to divide into regular steps, grades, or intervals, as the scale of a thermometer, a scheme of punishment or rewards, etc..
Graduate :: Graduate (v. i.) To pass by degrees; to change gradually; to shade off; as, sandstone which graduates into gneiss; carnelian sometimes graduates into quartz..
Graduateship :: Graduateship (n.) State of being a graduate.
Graduate :: Graduate (n. & v.) Arranged by successive steps or degrees; graduated.
Fondus :: Fondus (n.) A style of printing calico, paper hangings, etc., in which the colors are in bands and graduated into each other..
Oxonian :: Oxonian (n.) A student or graduate of Oxford University, in England..
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