Definition of governor

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Governor (n.) One who governs; especially, one who is invested with the supreme executive authority in a State; a chief ruler or magistrate; as, the governor of Pennsylvania..

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Governess :: Governess (n.) A female governor; a woman invested with authority to control and direct; especially, one intrusted with the care and instruction of children, -- usually in their homes..
Reeve :: Reeve (n.) an officer, steward, bailiff, or governor; -- used chiefly in compounds; as, shirereeve, now written sheriff; portreeve, etc..
Toparch :: Toparch (n.) The ruler or principal man in a place or country; the governor of a toparchy.
Subashdary :: Subashdar (n.) A viceroy; a governor of a subah; also, a native captain in the British native army..
Waywode :: Waywode (n.) Originally, the title of a military commander in various Slavonic countries; afterwards applied to governors of towns or provinces. It was assumed for a time by the rulers of Moldavia and Wallachia, who were afterwards called hospodars, and has also been given to some inferior Turkish officers..
Regulator :: Regulator (n.) A contrivance for regulating and controlling motion, as: (a) The lever or index in a watch, which controls the effective length of the hairspring, and thus regulates the vibrations of the balance. (b) The governor of a steam engine. (c) A valve for controlling the admission of steam to the steam chest, in a locomotive..
Governor :: Governor (n.) One who has the care or guardianship of a young man; a tutor; a guardian.
Default :: Default (n.) A failing or failure; omission of that which ought to be done; neglect to do what duty or law requires; as, this evil has happened through the governor's default..
Nabob :: Nabob (n.) A deputy or viceroy in India; a governor of a province of the ancient Mogul empire.
Arbitrator :: Arbitrator (n.) One who has the power of deciding or prescribing without control; a ruler; a governor.
Stadtholderate :: Stadtholder (n.) Formerly, the chief magistrate of the United Provinces of Holland; also, the governor or lieutenant governor of a province..
Beglerbeg :: Beglerbeg (n.) The governor of a province of the Ottoman empire, next in dignity to the grand vizier..
Legate :: Legate (n.) An official assistant given to a general or to the governor of a province.
Excellency :: Excellency (n.) A title of honor given to certain high dignitaries, esp. to viceroys, ministers, and ambassadors, to English colonial governors, etc. It was formerly sometimes given to kings and princes..
Commandery :: Commandery (n.) A district under the administration of a military commander or governor.
Governor :: Governor (n.) A pilot; a steersman.
Territory :: Territory (n.) In the United States, a portion of the country not included within the limits of any State, and not yet admitted as a State into the Union, but organized with a separate legislature, under a Territorial governor and other officers appointed by the President and Senate of the United States. In Canada, a similarly organized portion of the country not yet formed into a Province..
Reve :: Reve (n.) An officer, steward, or governor..
Elect :: Elect (a.) Chosen to an office, but not yet actually inducted into it; as, bishop elect; governor or mayor elect..
Shogun :: Shogun (n.) A title originally conferred by the Mikado on the military governor of the eastern provinces of Japan. By gradual usurpation of power the Shoguns (known to foreigners as Tycoons) became finally the virtual rulers of Japan. The title was abolished in 1867.
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