Definition of gove

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Gove (n.) A mow; a rick for hay.

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Communalism :: Communalism (n.) A French theory of government which holds that commune should be a kind of independent state, and the national government a confederation of such states, having only limited powers. It is advocated by advanced French republicans; but it should not be confounded with communism..
Patriarch :: Patriarch (n.) The father and ruler of a family; one who governs his family or descendants by paternal right; -- usually applied to heads of families in ancient history, especially in Biblical and Jewish history to those who lived before the time of Moses..
Nabob :: Nabob (n.) A deputy or viceroy in India; a governor of a province of the ancient Mogul empire.
Establishment :: Establishment (n.) That which is established; as: (a) A form of government, civil or ecclesiastical; especially, a system of religion maintained by the civil power; as, the Episcopal establishment of England. (b) A permanent civil, military, or commercial, force or organization. (c) The place in which one is permanently fixed for residence or business; residence, including grounds, furniture, equipage, etc.; with which one is fitted out; also, any office or place of business, with its fixtures;
Life :: Life (n.) Figuratively: The potential or animating principle, also, the period of duration, of anything that is conceived of as resembling a natural organism in structure or functions; as, the life of a state, a machine, or a book; authority is the life of government..
Episcopalian :: Episcopalian (n.) One who belongs to an episcopal church, or adheres to the episcopal form of church government and discipline; a churchman; specifically, in the United States, a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church..
To :: To (prep.) As sign of the infinitive, to had originally the use of last defined, governing the infinitive as a verbal noun, and connecting it as indirect object with a preceding verb or adjective; thus, ready to go, i.e., ready unto going; good to eat, i.e., good for eating; I do my utmost to lead my life pleasantly. But it has come to be the almost constant prefix to the infinitive, even in situations where it has no prepositional meaning, as where the infinitive is direct object or subject; th
Arbitrary :: Arbitrary (a.) Depending on will or discretion; not governed by any fixed rules; as, an arbitrary decision; an arbitrary punishment..
Anti-federalist :: Anti-federalist (n.) One of party opposed to a federative government; -- applied particularly to the party which opposed the adoption of the constitution of the United States.
Strict :: Strict (a.) Governed or governing by exact rules; observing exact rules; severe; rigorous; as, very strict in observing the Sabbath..
Anarchist :: Anarchist (n.) An anarch; one who advocates anarchy of aims at the overthrow of civil government.
Tribe :: Tribe (n.) A nation of savages or uncivilized people; a body of rude people united under one leader or government; as, the tribes of the Six Nations; the Seneca tribe..
Dissent :: Dissent (v. i.) To differ from an established church in regard to doctrines, rites, or government..
Boroughmaster :: Boroughmaster (n.) The mayor, governor, or bailiff of a borough..
Bencher :: Bencher (n.) One of the senior and governing members of an Inn of Court.
Regulate :: Regulate (v. t.) To adjust by rule, method, or established mode; to direct by rule or restriction; to subject to governing principles or laws..
Heterarchy :: Heterarchy (n.) The government of an alien.
Churchdom :: Churchdom (n.) The institution, government, or authority of a church..
Kingcraft :: Kingcraft (n.) The craft of kings; the art of governing as a sovereign; royal policy.
Incapable :: Incapable (a.) Unqualified or disqualified, in a legal sense; as, a man under thirty-five years of age is incapable of holding the office of president of the United States; a person convicted on impeachment is thereby made incapable of holding an office of profit or honor under the government..
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