Definition of gorge

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Gorge (n.) The entrance into a bastion or other outwork of a fort; -- usually synonymous with rear. See Illust. of Bastion.

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Gorge :: Gorge (n.) To swallow; especially, to swallow with greediness, or in large mouthfuls or quantities..
Gorged :: Gorged (a.) Having a gorge or throat.
Ravine :: Ravine (n.) A deep and narrow hollow, usually worn by a stream or torrent of water; a gorge; a mountain cleft..
Disgorge :: Disgorge (v. t.) To give up unwillingly as what one has wrongfully seized and appropriated; to make restitution of; to surrender; as, he was compelled to disgorge his ill-gotten gains..
Fleche :: Fleche (n.) A simple fieldwork, consisting of two faces forming a salient angle pointing outward and open at the gorge..
Dismaw :: Dismaw (v. t.) To eject from the maw; to disgorge.
Disgorgement :: Disgorgement (n.) The act of disgorging; a vomiting; that which is disgorged.
Bastion :: Bastion (n.) A work projecting outward from the main inclosure of a fortification, consisting of two faces and two flanks, and so constructed that it is able to defend by a flanking fire the adjacent curtain, or wall which extends from one bastion to another. Two adjacent bastions are connected by the curtain, which joins the flank of one with the adjacent flank of the other. The distance between the flanks of a bastion is called the gorge. A lunette is a detached bastion. See Ravelin..
Vampire :: Vampire (n.) Either one of two or more species of South American blood-sucking bats belonging to the genera Desmodus and Diphylla. These bats are destitute of molar teeth, but have strong, sharp cutting incisors with which they make punctured wounds from which they suck the blood of horses, cattle, and other animals, as well as man, chiefly during sleep. They have a caecal appendage to the stomach, in which the blood with which they gorge themselves is stored..
Costly :: Costly (a.) Gorgeous; sumptuous.
Gorget :: Gorget (n.) A cutting instrument used in lithotomy.
Gorged :: Gorged (imp. & p. p.) of Gorg.
Disgorged :: Disgorged (imp. & p. p.) of Disgorg.
Shrill-gorged :: Shrill-gorged (a.) Having a throat which produces a shrill note.
Engorged :: Engorged (imp. & p. p.) of Engorg.
Gorge :: Gorge (n.) A defile between mountains.
Gorget :: Gorget (n.) A crescent-shaped, colored patch on the neck of a bird or mammal..
Hypotrachelium :: Hypotrachelium (n.) Same as Gorgerin.
Blown :: Blown (p. p. & a.) Swollen; inflated; distended; puffed up, as cattle when gorged with green food which develops gas..
Gleam :: Gleam (v. i.) To disgorge filth, as a hawk..
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