Definition of goddess

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Goddess (n.) A female god; a divinity, or deity, of the female sex..

Lern More About Goddess

Minerva :: Minerva (n.) The goddess of wisdom, of war, of the arts and sciences, of poetry, and of spinning and weaving; -- identified with the Grecian Pallas Athene..
Venus :: Venus (n.) The goddess of beauty and love, that is, beauty or love deified..
Fate :: Fate (n.) The three goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, sometimes called the Destinies, or Parcaewho were supposed to determine the course of human life. They are represented, one as holding the distaff, a second as spinning, and the third as cutting off the thread..
Themis :: Themis (n.) The goddess of law and order; the patroness of existing rights.
Morne :: Morne (n.) The goddess Aurora.
Freya :: Freya (n.) The daughter of Njord, and goddess of love and beauty; the Scandinavian Venus; -- in Teutonic myths confounded with Frigga, but in Scandinavian, distinct..
Fides :: Fides (n.) Faith personified as a goddess; the goddess of faith.
Vesta :: Vesta (n.) One of the great divinities of the ancient Romans, identical with the Greek Hestia. She was a virgin, and the goddess of the hearth; hence, also, of the fire on it, and the family round it..
Goddess :: Goddess (n.) A female god; a divinity, or deity, of the female sex..
Cytherean :: Cytherean (a.) Pertaining to the goddess Venus.
Mnemosyne :: Mnemosyne (n.) The goddess of memory and the mother of the Muses.
Bellona :: Bellona (n.) The goddess of war.
Vacuna :: Vacuna (n.) The goddess of rural leisure, to whom the husbandmen sacrificed at the close of the harvest. She was especially honored by the Sabines..
Aphrodite :: Aphrodite (n.) The Greek goddess of love, corresponding to the Venus of the Romans..
Saraswati :: Saraswati (n.) The sakti or wife of Brahma; the Hindoo goddess of learning, music, and poetry..
Kali :: Kali (n.) The black, destroying goddess; -- called also Doorga, Anna Purna..
Demigoddess :: Demigoddess (n.) A female demigod.
Ate :: Ate (n.) The goddess of mischievous folly; also, in later poets, the goddess of vengeance..
Nymph :: Nymph (n.) A goddess of the mountains, forests, meadows, or waters..
Iris :: Iris (n.) The goddess of the rainbow, and swift-footed messenger of the gods..
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