Definition of gite

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Gite (n.) A gown.

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Anthropophagite :: Anthropophagite (n.) A cannibal.
Pyroxene :: Pyroxene (n.) A common mineral occurring in monoclinic crystals, with a prismatic angle of nearly 90�, and also in massive forms which are often laminated. It varies in color from white to dark green and black, and includes many varieties differing in color and composition, as diopside, malacolite, salite, coccolite, augite, etc. They are all silicates of lime and magnesia with sometimes alumina and iron. Pyroxene is an essential constituent of many rocks, especially basic igneous rocks, as basa
Phalangite :: Phalangite (n.) A soldier belonging to a phalanx.
Areopagist :: Areopagist (n.) See Areopagite.
Dialogite :: Dialogite (n.) Native carbonate of manganese; rhodochrosite.
Heteromerous :: Heteromerous (a.) Unrelated in chemical composition, though similar or indentical in certain other respects; as, borax and augite are homoemorphous, but heteromerous..
Porphyritic :: Porphyritic (a.) Relating to, or resembling, porphyry, that is, characterized by the presence of distinct crystals, as of feldspar, quartz, or augite, in a relatively fine-grained base, often aphanitic or cryptocrystalline..
Basalt :: Basalt (n.) A rock of igneous origin, consisting of augite and triclinic feldspar, with grains of magnetic or titanic iron, and also bottle-green particles of olivine frequently disseminated..
Fengite :: Fengite (n.) A kind of marble or alabaster, sometimes used for windows on account of its transparency..
Areopagite :: Areopagite (n.) A member of the Areopagus.
Ludwigite :: Ludwigite (n.) A borate of iron and magnesia, occurring in fibrous masses of a blackish green color..
Oostegite :: Oostegite (n.) One of the plates which in some Crustacea inclose a cavity wherein the eggs are hatched.
Irvingite :: Irvingite (n.) The common designation of one a sect founded by the Rev. Edward Irving (about 1830), who call themselves the Catholic Apostolic Church. They are highly ritualistic in worship, have an elaborate hierarchy of apostles, prophets, etc., and look for the speedy coming of Christ..
Orangite :: Orangite () An orange-yellow variety of the mineral thorite, found in Norway..
Fungite :: Fungite (n.) A fossil coral resembling Fungia.
Omostegite :: Omostegite (n.) The part of the carapace of a crustacean situated behind the cervical groove.
Tergite :: Tergite (n.) The dorsal portion of an arthromere or somite of an articulate animal. See Illust. under Coleoptera.
Smaragdite :: Smaragdite (n.) A green foliated kind of amphibole, observed in eclogite and some varietis of gabbro..
Augite :: Augite (n.) A variety of pyroxene, usually of a black or dark green color, occurring in igneous rocks, such as basalt; -- also used instead of the general term pyroxene..
Eclogite :: Eclogite (n.) A rock consisting of granular red garnet, light green smaragdite, and common hornblende; -- so called in reference to its beauty..
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