Definition of geometrical

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Geometrical (a.) Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of, geometry; determined by geometry; as, a geometrical solution of a problem..

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Transform :: Transform (v. t.) To change, as an algebraic expression or geometrical figure, into another from without altering its value..
Sphere :: Sphere (n.) The apparent surface of the heavens, which is assumed to be spherical and everywhere equally distant, in which the heavenly bodies appear to have their places, and on which the various astronomical circles, as of right ascension and declination, the equator, ecliptic, etc., are conceived to be drawn; an ideal geometrical sphere, with the astronomical and geographical circles in their proper positions on it..
Exhaustion :: Exhaustion (n.) An ancient geometrical method in which an exhaustive process was employed. It was nearly equivalent to the modern method of limits.
Diamond :: Diamond (n.) A geometrical figure, consisting of four equal straight lines, and having two of the interior angles acute and two obtuse; a rhombus; a lozenge..
Elevation :: Elevation (n.) A geometrical projection of a building, or other object, on a plane perpendicular to the horizon; orthographic projection on a vertical plane; -- called by the ancients the orthography..
Cissoid :: Cissoid (n.) A curve invented by Diocles, for the purpose of solving two celebrated problems of the higher geometry; viz., to trisect a plane angle, and to construct two geometrical means between two given straight lines..
Fold :: Fold (v.) Times or repetitions; -- used with numerals, chiefly in composition, to denote multiplication or increase in a geometrical ratio, the doubling, tripling, etc., of anything; as, fourfold, four times, increased in a quadruple ratio, multiplied by four..
Perspectograph :: Perspectograph (n.) An instrument for obtaining, and transferring to a picture, the points and outlines of objects, so as to represent them in their proper geometrical relations as viewed from some one point..
Geometrically :: Geometrically (adv.) According to the rules or laws of geometry.
Conical :: Conical (a.) Having the form of, or resembling, a geometrical cone; round and tapering to a point, or gradually lessening in circumference; as, a conic or conical figure; a conical vessel..
Strategetic :: Stratarithmetry (n.) The art of drawing up an army, or any given number of men, in any geometrical figure, or of estimating or expressing the number of men in such a figure..
Mean :: Mean (n.) A quantity having an intermediate value between several others, from which it is derived, and of which it expresses the resultant value; usually, unless otherwise specified, it is the simple average, formed by adding the quantities together and dividing by their number, which is called an arithmetical mean. A geometrical mean is the square root of the product of the quantities..
Geometrical :: Geometrical (a.) Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of, geometry; determined by geometry; as, a geometrical solution of a problem..
Orbitelae :: Orbitelae (n. pl.) A division of spiders, including those that make geometrical webs, as the garden spider, or Epeira..
Side :: Side (n.) The margin, edge, verge, or border of a surface; especially (when the thing spoken of is somewhat oblong in shape), one of the longer edges as distinguished from the shorter edges, called ends; a bounding line of a geometrical figure; as, the side of a field, of a square or triangle, of a river, of a road, etc..
Proportion :: Proportion (n.) The equality or similarity of ratios, especially of geometrical ratios; or a relation among quantities such that the quotient of the first divided by the second is equal to that of the third divided by the fourth; -- called also geometrical proportion, in distinction from arithmetical proportion, or that in which the difference of the first and second is equal to the difference of the third and fourth..
Geometrize :: Geometrize (v. i.) To investigate or apprehend geometrical quantities or laws; to make geometrical constructions; to proceed in accordance with the principles of geometry.
Dioptrics :: Dioptrics (n.) The science of the refraction of light; that part of geometrical optics which treats of the laws of the refraction of light in passing from one medium into another, or through different mediums, as air, water, or glass, and esp. through different lenses; -- distinguished from catoptrics, which refers to reflected light..
Quadrat :: Quadrat (n.) An old instrument used for taking altitudes; -- called also geometrical square, and line of shadows..
Epeira :: Epeira (n.) A genus of spiders, including the common garden spider (E. diadema). They spin geometrical webs. See Garden spider..
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