Definition of gem

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Gem (v. t.) To put forth in the form of buds.

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Polity :: Polity (n.) Policy; art; management.
Gems-horn :: Gems-horn (n.) An organ stop with conical tin pipes.
Doublet :: Doublet (a.) An arrangement of two lenses for a microscope, designed to correct spherical aberration and chromatic dispersion, thus rendering the image of an object more clear and distinct..
Semipellucid :: Semipellucid (a.) Half clear, or imperfectly transparent; as, a semipellucid gem..
Gemmification :: Gemmification (n.) The production of a bud or gem.
Quincunx :: Quincunx (n.) A quincuncial arrangement, as of the parts of a flower in aestivation. See Quincuncial, 2..
Formation :: Formation (n.) The arrangement of a body of troops, as in a square, column, etc..
Gemmosity :: Gemmosity (n.) The quality or characteristics of a gem or jewel.
Endamagement :: Endamagement (n.) Damage; injury; harm.
Pavesade :: Pavesade (n.) A canvas screen, formerly sometimes extended along the side of a vessel in a naval engagement, to conceal from the enemy the operations on board..
Frenzy :: Frenzy (n.) Any violent agitation of the mind approaching to distraction; violent and temporary derangement of the mental faculties; madness; rage.
Accession :: Accession (n.) The act by which one power becomes party to engagements already in force between other powers.
Wise :: Wise (v.) Dictated or guided by wisdom; containing or exhibiting wisdom; well adapted to produce good effects; judicious; discreet; as, a wise saying; a wise scheme or plan; wise conduct or management; a wise determination..
Conduct :: Conduct (n.) Skillful guidance or management; generalship.
Sequence :: Sequence (n.) The state of being sequent; succession; order of following; arrangement.
Mote :: Mote (n.) A body of persons who meet for discussion, esp. about the management of affairs; as, a folkmote..
Gemellipa-rous :: Gemellipa-rous (a.) Producing twins.
Disgorgement :: Disgorgement (n.) The act of disgorging; a vomiting; that which is disgorged.
Arrangement :: Arrangement (n.) Preparatory proceeding or measure; preparation; as, we have made arrangement for receiving company..
Manipulate :: Manipulate (v. t.) To control the action of, by management; as, to manipulate a convention of delegates; to manipulate the stock market; also, to manage artfully or fraudulently; as, to manipulate accounts, or election returns..
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