Definition of game

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Game (a.) Of or pertaining to such animals as are hunted for game, or to the act or practice of hunting..

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Bowl :: Bowl (n.) The game of tenpins or bowling.
Cribbage :: Cribbage (v. t.) A game of cards, played by two or four persons, in which there is a crib. (See Crib, 11.) It is characterized by a great variety of chances..
Curl :: Curl (v. i.) To play at the game called curling.
Javelin :: "Javelin (n.) A sort of light spear, to be thrown or cast by thew hand; anciently, a weapon of war used by horsemen and foot soldiers; now used chiefly in hunting the wild boar and other fierce game..
Set :: Set (v. t.) To point out the seat or position of, as birds, or other game; -- said of hunting dogs..
Buckshot :: Buckshot (n.) A coarse leaden shot, larger than swan shot, used in hunting deer and large game..
Closh :: Closh (n.) The game of ninepins.
Trap :: Trap (n.) A machine or contrivance that shuts suddenly, as with a spring, used for taking game or other animals; as, a trap for foxes..
Props :: Props (n. pl.) A game of chance, in which four sea shells, each called a prop, are used instead of dice..
Game :: Game (v. i.) A contest, physical or mental, according to certain rules, for amusement, recreation, or for winning a stake; as, a game of chance; games of skill; field games, etc..
Tricktrack :: Tricktrack (n.) An old game resembling backgammon.
Trash :: Trash (v. t.) To hold back by a trash or leash, as a dog in pursuing game; hence, to retard, encumber, or restrain; to clog; to hinder vexatiously..
Catstick :: Catstick (n.) A stick or club employed in the game of ball called cat or tipcat.
Gaffle :: Gaffle (n.) An artificial spur or gaff for gamecocks.
Marker :: Marker (n.) A counter used in card playing and other games.
Hopper :: Hopper (n.) A game. See Hopscotch.
Rubber :: Rubber (n.) In some games, as whist, the odd game, as the third or the fifth, when there is a tie between the players; as, to play the rubber; also, a contest determined by the winning of two out of three games; as, to play a rubber of whist..
Sharper :: Sharper (n.) A person who bargains closely, especially, one who cheats in bargains; a swinder; also, a cheating gamester..
Trapball :: Trapball (n.) An old game of ball played with a trap. See 4th Trap, 4..
Cockal :: Cockal (n.) The bone used in playing the game; -- called also huckle bone.
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