Definition of animal

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Animal (a.) Consisting of the flesh of animals; as, animal food..

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Paramere :: Paramere (n.) One of the symmetrical halves of any one of the radii, or spheromeres, of a radiate animal, as a starfish..
Oestrus :: Oestrus (n.) A vehement desire; esp. (Physiol.), the periodical sexual impulse of animals; heat; rut..
Differentiation :: Differentiation (n.) The gradual formation or production of organs or parts by a process of evolution or development, as when the seed develops the root and the stem, the initial stem develops the leaf, branches, and flower buds; or in animal life, when the germ evolves the digestive and other organs and members, or when the animals as they advance in organization acquire special organs for specific purposes..
Tallowing :: Tallowing (n.) The act, or art, of causing animals to produce tallow; also, the property in animals of producing tallow..
Bark :: Bark (v. i.) To make a short, loud, explosive noise with the vocal organs; -- said of some animals, but especially of dogs..
Biology :: Biology (n.) The science of life; that branch of knowledge which treats of living matter as distinct from matter which is not living; the study of living tissue. It has to do with the origin, structure, development, function, and distribution of animals and plants..
Pulp :: Pulp (n.) A moist, slightly cohering mass, consisting of soft, undissolved animal or vegetable matter..
Somite :: Somite (n.) One of the actual or ideal serial segments of which an animal, esp. an articulate or vertebrate, is is composed; somatome; metamere..
Rapacious :: Rapacious (a.) Accustomed to seize food; subsisting on prey, or animals seized by violence; as, a tiger is a rapacious animal; a rapacious bird..
Road :: Road (n.) A place where one may ride; an open way or public passage for vehicles, persons, and animals; a track for travel, forming a means of communication between one city, town, or place, and another..
Game :: Game (v. i.) Animals pursued and taken by sportsmen; wild meats designed for, or served at, table..
Ovipositor :: Ovipositor (n.) The organ with which many insects and some other animals deposit their eggs. Some ichneumon files have a long ovipositor fitted to pierce the eggs or larvae of other insects, in order to lay their own eggs within the same..
Dung :: Dung (n.) The excrement of an animal.
Zoonite :: Zoonite (n.) One of the segments of the body of an articulate animal.
She :: She (obj.) This or that female; the woman understood or referred to; the animal of the female sex, or object personified as feminine, which was spoken of..
Render :: Render (v. t.) To try out or extract (oil, lard, tallow, etc.) from fatty animal substances; as, to render tallow..
Parepididymis :: Parepididymis (n.) A small body containing convoluted tubules, situated near the epididymis in man and some other animals, and supposed to be a remnant of the anterior part of the Wolffian body..
Somnolism :: Somnolism (n.) The somnolent state induced by animal magnetism.
Pinch :: Pinch (v. t.) o seize; to grip; to bite; -- said of animals.
Polypode :: Polypode (n.) An animal having many feet; a myriapod.
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