Definition of former

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Former (a.) Near the beginning; preceeding; as, the former part of a discourse or argument..

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Peplus :: Peplus (n.) A kind of kerchief formerly worn by Englishwomen.
Acephala :: Acephala (n. pl.) That division of the Mollusca which includes the bivalve shells, like the clams and oysters; -- so called because they have no evident head. Formerly the group included the Tunicata, Brachiopoda, and sometimes the Bryozoa. See Mollusca..
Cucking Stool :: Cucking stool () A kind of chair formerly used for punishing scolds, and also dishonest tradesmen, by fastening them in it, usually in front of their doors, to be pelted and hooted at by the mob, but sometimes to be taken to the water and ducked; -- called also a castigatory, a tumbrel, and a trebuchet; and often, but not so correctly, a ducking stool..
Duet :: Duet (n.) A composition for two performers, whether vocal or instrumental..
Kindred :: Kindred (n.) Relatives by blood or marriage, more properly the former; relations; persons related to each other..
Mummy :: Mummy (n.) A gummy liquor that exudes from embalmed flesh when heated; -- formerly supposed to have magical and medicinal properties.
Poly-mountain :: Poly-mountain (n.) The closely related Teucrium montanum, formerly called Polium montanum, a plant of Southern Europe..
Riding :: Riding (n.) One of the three jurisdictions into which the county of York, in England, is divided; -- formerly under the government of a reeve. They are called the North, the East, and the West, Riding..
Groundling :: Groundling (n.) A spectator in the pit of a theater, which formerly was on the ground, and without floor or benches..
Chopin :: Chopin (n.) A liquid measure formerly used in France and Great Britain, varying from half a pint to a wine quart..
Recover :: Recover (v. i.) To regain health after sickness; to grow well; to be restored or cured; hence, to regain a former state or condition after misfortune, alarm, etc.; -- often followed by of or from; as, to recover from a state of poverty; to recover from fright..
Domino :: Domino (n.) A kind of mask; particularly, a half mask worn at masquerades, to conceal the upper part of the face. Dominos were formerly worn by ladies in traveling..
Orpiment :: Orpiment (n.) Arsenic sesquisulphide, produced artificially as an amorphous lemonyellow powder, and occurring naturally as a yellow crystalline mineral; -- formerly called auripigment. It is used in king's yellow, in white Indian fire, and in certain technical processes, as indigo printing..
Wake :: Wake (n.) An annual parish festival formerly held in commemoration of the dedication of a church. Originally, prayers were said on the evening preceding, and hymns were sung during the night, in the church; subsequently, these vigils were discontinued, and the day itself, often with succeeding days, was occupied in rural pastimes and exercises, attended by eating and drinking, often to excess..
Lampic :: Lampic (a.) Pertaining to, or produced by, a lamp; -- formerly said of a supposed acid..
Close-fights :: Close-fights (n. pl.) Barriers with loopholes, formerly erected on the deck of a vessel to shelter the men in a close engagement with an enemy's boarders; -- called also close quarters..
Ailette :: Ailette (n.) A small square shield, formerly worn on the shoulders of knights, -- being the prototype of the modern epaulet..
Sire :: Sire (n.) A tittle of respect formerly used in speaking to elders and superiors, but now only in addressing a sovereign..
Friesic :: Friesic (n.) The language of the Frisians, a Teutonic people formerly occupying a large part of the coast of Holland and Northwestern Germany. The modern dialects of Friesic are spoken chiefly in the province of Friesland, and on some of the islands near the coast of Germany and Denmark..
Hurons :: Hurons (n. pl.) ; sing. Huron. (Ethnol.) A powerful and warlike tribe of North American Indians of the Algonquin stock. They formerly occupied the country between Lakes Huron, Erie, and Ontario, but were nearly exterminated by the Five Nations about 1650..
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