Definition of and

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And (conj.) In order to; -- used instead of the infinitival to, especially after try, come, go..

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Lunette :: Lunette (n.) A fieldwork consisting of two faces, forming a salient angle, and two parallel flanks. See Bastion..
Parterie :: parterie (n.) Articles made of the blades or fiber of the Lygeum Spartum and Stipa (/ Macrochloa) tenacissima, kinds of grass used in Spain and other countries for making ropes, mats, baskets, nets, and mattresses..
About :: About (adv.) Here and there; around; in one place and another.
Fallow :: Fallow (n.) To plow, harrow, and break up, as land, without seeding, for the purpose of destroying weeds and insects, and rendering it mellow; as, it is profitable to fallow cold, strong, clayey land..
Cherub :: Cherub (n.) A mysterious composite being, the winged footstool and chariot of the Almighty, described in Ezekiel i. and x..
Genette :: Genette (n.) One of several species of small Carnivora of the genus Genetta, allied to the civets, but having the scent glands less developed, and without a pouch..
Swallowwort :: Swallowwort (n.) See Celandine.
Frenzy :: Frenzy (n.) Any violent agitation of the mind approaching to distraction; violent and temporary derangement of the mental faculties; madness; rage.
Passionary :: Passionary (n.) A book in which are described the sufferings of saints and martyrs.
Pet :: Pet (v. t.) To treat as a pet; to fondle; to indulge; as, she was petted and spoiled..
Maieutics :: Maieutics (n.) The art of giving birth (i. e., clearness and conviction) to ideas, which are conceived as struggling for birth..
Convention :: Convention (v. i.) An agreement or contract less formal than, or preliminary to, a treaty; an informal compact, as between commanders of armies in respect to suspension of hostilities, or between states; also, a formal agreement between governments or sovereign powers; as, a postal convention between two governments..
Armament :: Armament (n.) All the cannon and small arms collectively, with their equipments, belonging to a ship or a fortification..
Blustering :: Blustering (a.) Uttering noisy threats; noisy and swaggering; boisterous.
Derive :: Derive (v. t.) To turn the course of, as water; to divert and distribute into subordinate channels; to diffuse; to communicate; to transmit; -- followed by to, into, on, upon..
Ansated :: Ansated (a.) Having a handle.
Height :: Height (n.) The distance to which anything rises above its foot, above that on which in stands, above the earth, or above the level of the sea; altitude; the measure upward from a surface, as the floor or the ground, of animal, especially of a man; stature..
"""bridesman " :: Bridesman (n.) A male friend who attends upon a bridegroom and bride at their marriage; the best man..
Quadrivium :: Quadrivium (n.) The four liberal arts, arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy; -- so called by the schoolmen. See Trivium..
Tabernacle :: Tabernacle (n.) A portable structure of wooden framework covered with curtains, which was carried through the wilderness in the Israelitish exodus, as a place of sacrifice and worship..
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