Definition of ancient

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Ancient (a.) Known for a long time, or from early times; -- opposed to recent or new; as, the ancient continent..

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Antiquity :: Antiquity (n.) The ancients; the people of ancient times.
Pykar :: Pykar (n.) An ancient English fishing boat.
Cyphonism :: Cyphonism (n.) A punishment sometimes used by the ancients, consisting in the besmearing of the criminal with honey, and exposing him to insects. It is still in use among some Oriental nations..
Populares :: Populares (n. pl.) The people or the people's party, in ancient Rome, as opposed to the optimates..
Autochthon :: Autochthon (n.) One who is supposed to rise or spring from the ground or the soil he inhabits; one of the original inhabitants or aborigines; a native; -- commonly in the plural. This title was assumed by the ancient Greeks, particularly the Athenians..
Sacramentary :: Sacramentary (n.) An ancient book of the Roman Catholic Church, written by Pope Gelasius, and revised, corrected, and abridged by St. Gregory, in which were contained the rites for Mass, the sacraments, the dedication of churches, and other ceremonies. There are several ancient books of the same kind in France and Germany..
Cuniform :: Cuniform (n.) The wedge-shaped characters used in ancient Persian and Assyrian inscriptions.
Holcad :: Holcad (n.) A large ship of burden, in ancient Greece..
Numidian :: Numidian (a.) Of or pertaining to ancient Numidia in Northern Africa.
Dog Days :: Dog days () A period of from four to six weeks, in the summer, variously placed by almanac makers between the early part of July and the early part of September; canicular days; -- so called in reference to the rising in ancient times of the Dog Star (Sirius) with the sun. Popularly, the sultry, close part of the summer..
Nome :: Nome (n.) A province or political division, as of modern Greece or ancient Egypt; a nomarchy..
Proscription :: Proscription (n.) The act of proscribing; a dooming to death or exile; outlawry; specifically, among the ancient Romans, the public offer of a reward for the head of a political enemy; as, under the triumvirate, many of the best Roman citizens fell by proscription..
Chelidonius :: Chelidonius (n.) A small stone taken from the gizzard of a young swallow. -- anciently worn as a medicinal charm.
Dulcimer :: Dulcimer (n.) An ancient musical instrument in use among the Jews. Dan. iii. 5. It is supposed to be the same with the psaltery.
Tessera :: Tessera (n.) A small piece of marble, glass, earthenware, or the like, having a square, or nearly square, face, used by the ancients for mosaic, as for making pavements, for ornamenting walls, and like purposes; also, a similar piece of ivory, bone, wood, etc., used as a ticket of admission to theaters, or as a certificate for successful gladiators, and as a token for various other purposes..
Sabine :: Sabine (a.) Of or pertaining to the ancient Sabines, a people of Italy..
Etrurian :: Etrurian (a.) Of or relating to ancient Etruria, in Italy..
Dryfland :: Dryfland (n.) An ancient yearly payment made by some tenants to the king, or to their landlords, for the privilege of driving their cattle through a manor to fairs or markets..
P :: P () the sixteenth letter of the English alphabet, is a nonvocal consonant whose form and value come from the Latin, into which language the letter was brought, through the ancient Greek, from the Phoenician, its probable origin being Egyptian. Etymologically P is most closely related to b, f, and v; as hobble, hopple; father, paternal; recipient, receive. See B, F, and M..
Atrabiliary :: Atrabiliary (a.) Melancholic or hypohondriac; atrabilious; -- from the supposed predominance of black bile, to the influence of which the ancients attributed hypochondria, melancholy, and mania..
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