Definition of feel

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Feel (v. t.) To perceive by the touch; to take cognizance of by means of the nerves of sensation distributed all over the body, especially by those of the skin; to have sensation excited by contact of (a thing) with the body or limbs..

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Aesthesia :: Aesthesia (n.) Perception by the senses; feeling; -- the opposite of anaesthesia.
Envy :: Envy (v. t.) To feel envy on account of; to have a feeling of grief or repining, with a longing to possess (some excellence or good fortune of another, or an equal good fortune, etc.); to look with grudging upon; to begrudge..
Natural :: Natural (a.) Conformed to the order, laws, or actual facts, of nature; consonant to the methods of nature; according to the stated course of things, or in accordance with the laws which govern events, feelings, etc.; not exceptional or violent; legitimate; normal; regular; as, the natural consequence of crime; a natural death..
Reluct :: Reluct (v. i.) To strive or struggle against anything; to make resistance; to draw back; to feel or show repugnance or reluctance.
Shock :: Shock (n.) A sudden agitation of the mind or feelings; a sensation of pleasure or pain caused by something unexpected or overpowering; also, a sudden agitating or overpowering event..
Iron-hearted :: Iron-hearted (a.) Hard-hearted; unfeeling; cruel; as, an iron-hearted master..
Rapturous :: Rapturous (a.) Ecstatic; transporting; ravishing; feeling, expressing, or manifesting rapture; as, rapturous joy, pleasure, or delight; rapturous applause..
Rhapsodist :: Rhapsodist (n.) One who writes or speaks disconnectedly and with great excitement or affectation of feeling.
Brutalize :: Brutalize (v. t.) To make brutal; beasty; unfeeling; or inhuman.
Smart :: Smart (v. i.) To feel a lively, pungent local pain; -- said of some part of the body as the seat of irritation; as, my finger smarts; these wounds smart..
Passible :: Passible (a.) Susceptible of feeling or suffering, or of impressions from external agents..
Wound :: Wound (n.) To hurt the feelings of; to pain by disrespect, ingratitude, or the like; to cause injury to..
Rile :: Rile (v. t.) To stir up in feelings; to make angry; to vex.
Cardialgy :: Cardialgy (n.) A burning or gnawing pain, or feeling of distress, referred to the region of the heart, accompanied with cardiac palpitation; heartburn. It is usually a symptom of indigestion..
Crave :: Crave (v. i.) To desire strongly; to feel an insatiable longing; as, a craving appetite..
Sensibility :: Sensibility (n.) Experience of sensation; actual feeling.
Nauseate :: Nauseate (v. i.) To become squeamish; to feel nausea; to turn away with disgust.
Gentilism :: Gentilism (n.) Tribal feeling; devotion to one's gens.
Envy :: Envy (n.) An object of envious notice or feeling.
Sympathize :: Sympathize (v. i.) To feel in consequence of what another feels; to be affected by feelings similar to those of another, in consequence of knowing the person to be thus affected..
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