Definition of father

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Father (n.) A senator of ancient Rome.

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On :: On (prep.) Forward, in succession; as, from father to son, from the son to the grandson, and so on..
Father :: Father (n.) A dignitary of the church, a superior of a convent, a confessor (called also father confessor), or a priest; also, the eldest member of a profession, or of a legislative assembly, etc..
Fatherhood :: Fatherhood (n.) The state of being a father; the character or authority of a father; paternity.
Ancestor :: Ancestor (n.) One from whom a person is descended, whether on the father's or mother's side, at any distance of time; a progenitor; a fore father..
Stephanion :: Stepfather (n.) The husband of one's mother by a subsequent marriage.
Saturn :: Saturn (n.) One of the elder and principal deities, the son of Coelus and Terra (Heaven and Earth), and the father of Jupiter. The corresponding Greek divinity was Kro`nos, later CHro`nos, Time..
Patristical :: Patristical (a.) Of or pertaining to the Fathers of the Christian church.
Gossip :: Gossip (n.) A sponsor; a godfather or a godmother.
Lucky Proach :: Lucky proach () See Fatherlasher.
Heteroousian :: Heteroousian (n.) One of those Arians who held that the Son was of a different substance from the Father.
Patricide :: Patricide (n.) The crime of one who murders his father. Same as Parricide.
Succeed :: Succeed (v. t.) To follow in order; to come next after; hence, to take the place of; as, the king's eldest son succeeds his father on the throne; autumn succeeds summer..
Grandmother :: Grandmother (n.) The mother of one's father or mother.
Abdicate :: Abdicate (v. t.) To disclaim and expel from the family, as a father his child; to disown; to disinherit..
After :: After (prep.) In imitation of; in conformity with; after the manner of; as, to make a thing after a model; a picture after Rubens; the boy takes after his father..
Rigid :: Rigid (a.) Hence, not lax or indulgent; severe; inflexible; strict; as, a rigid father or master; rigid discipline; rigid criticism; a rigid sentence..
Tresayle :: Tresayle (n.) A grandfather's grandfather.
Granduncle :: Granduncle (n.) A father's or mother's uncle.
Origenism :: Origenism (n.) The opinions of Origen of Alexandria, who lived in the 3d century, one of the most learned of the Greek Fathers. Prominent in his teaching was the doctrine that all created beings, including Satan, will ultimately be saved..
Father :: Father (n.) One of the chief esslesiastical authorities of the first centuries after Christ; -- often spoken of collectively as the Fathers; as, the Latin, Greek, or apostolic Fathers..
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