Definition of fan

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Fan (n.) To winnow; to separate chaff from, and drive it away by a current of air; as, to fan wheat..

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Snapdragon :: Snapdragon (n.) Any plant of the scrrophulariaceous genus Antirrhinum, especially the cultivated A. majus, whose showy flowers are fancifully likened to the face of a dragon..
Fancymonger :: Fancymonger (n.) A lovemonger; a whimsical lover.
Dwale :: Dwale (a.) The tincture sable or black when blazoned according to the fantastic system in which plants are substituted for the tinctures.
Proteroglypha :: Proteroglypha (n. pl.) A suborder of serpents including those that have permanently erect grooved poison fangs, with ordinary teeth behind them in the jaws. It includes the cobras, the asps, and the sea snakes. Called also Proteroglyphia..
Snug :: Snug (superl.) Close and warm; as, an infant lies snug..
Profanity :: Profanity (n.) The quality or state of being profane; profaneness; irreverence; esp., the use of profane language; blasphemy..
Vapor :: Vapor (n.) Something unsubstantial, fleeting, or transitory; unreal fancy; vain imagination; idle talk; boasting..
Experience :: Experience (n.) The effect upon the judgment or feelings produced by any event, whether witnessed or participated in; personal and direct impressions as contrasted with description or fancies; personal acquaintance; actual enjoyment or suffering..
Toccata :: Toccata (n.) An old form of piece for the organ or harpsichord, somewhat in the free and brilliant style of the prelude, fantasia, or capriccio..
Engouled :: Engouled (a.) Partly swallowed; disappearing in the jaws of anything; as, an infant engouled by a serpent; said also of an ordinary, when its two ends to issue from the mouths of lions, or the like; as, a bend engouled..
Conjectural :: Conjectural (a.) Dependent on conjecture; fancied; imagined; guessed at; undetermined; doubtful.
Chimerically :: Chimerically (adv.) Wildy; vainly; fancifully.
Fair :: Fair (n.) A festival, and sale of fancy articles. erc., usually for some charitable object; as, a Grand Army fair..
Present :: Present (v. i.) To appear at the mouth of the uterus so as to be perceptible to the finger in vaginal examination; -- said of a part of an infant during labor.
Profanity :: Profanity (n.) That which is profane; profane language or acts.
Gonfanon :: Gonfanon (n.) The ensign or standard in use by certain princes or states, such as the mediaeval republics of Italy, and in more recent times by the pope..
Spider :: Spider (n.) Any one of numerous species of arachnids comprising the order Araneina. Spiders have the mandibles converted into poison fangs, or falcers. The abdomen is large and not segmented, with two or three pairs of spinnerets near the end, by means of which they spin threads of silk to form cocoons, or nests, to protect their eggs and young. Many species spin also complex webs to entrap the insects upon which they prey. The eyes are usually eight in number (rarely six), and are situated on t
Fangless :: Fangless (a.) Destitute of fangs or tusks.
Outfangthef :: Outfangthef (v. t.) The privilege of trying such a thief.
Newfangled :: Newfangled (a.) Disposed to change; inclined to novelties; given to new theories or fashions.
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