Definition of extort

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Extort (p. p. & a.) Extorted.

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Extorter :: Extorter (n.) One who practices extortion.
Screw :: Screw (v. t.) Hence: To practice extortion upon; to oppress by unreasonable or extortionate exactions.
Striker :: Strike (n.) The extortion of money, or the attempt to extort money, by threat of injury; blackmailing..
Extort :: Extort (v. t.) To wrest from an unwilling person by physical force, menace, duress, torture, or any undue or illegal exercise of power or ingenuity; to wrench away (from); to tear away; to wring (from); to exact; as, to extort contributions from the vanquished; to extort confessions of guilt; to extort a promise; to extort payment of a debt..
Exactor :: Exactor (n.) One who exacts or demands by authority or right; hence, an extortioner; also, one unreasonably severe in injunctions or demands..
Wringer :: Wringer (n.) One who, or that which, wrings; hence, an extortioner..
Bribery :: Bribery (n.) Robbery; extortion.
Pollage :: Pollage (n.) A head or poll tax; hence, extortion..
Extortion :: Extortion (n.) That which is extorted or exacted by force.
Boot :: Boot (n.) An instrument of torture for the leg, formerly used to extort confessions, particularly in Scotland..
Vampire :: Vampire (n.) Fig.: One who lives by preying on others; an extortioner; a bloodsucker.
Rack :: Rack (a.) An engine of torture, consisting of a large frame, upon which the body was gradually stretched until, sometimes, the joints were dislocated; -- formerly used judicially for extorting confessions from criminals or suspected persons..
Rapacity :: Rapacity (n.) The act or practice of extorting or exacting by oppressive injustice; exorbitant greediness of gain.
Extorsive :: Extorsive (a.) Serving or tending to extort.
Extorted :: Extorted (imp. & p. p.) of Extor.
Extort :: Extort (p. p. & a.) Extorted.
Gripeful :: Gripeful (a.) Disposed to gripe; extortionate.
Extort :: Extort (v. t.) To get by the offense of extortion. See Extortion, 2..
Malversation :: Malversation (n.) Evil conduct; fraudulent practices; misbehavior, corruption, or extortion in office..
Harpy :: Harpy (n.) One who is rapacious or ravenous; an extortioner.
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