Definition of extern

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Extern (a.) External; outward; not inherent.

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Formalist :: Formalist (n.) One overattentive to forms, or too much confined to them; esp., one who rests in external religious forms, or observes strictly the outward forms of worship, without possessing the life and spirit of religion..
Sensible :: Sensible (a.) Having the capacity of receiving impressions from external objects; capable of perceiving by the instrumentality of the proper organs; liable to be affected physsically or mentally; impressible.
Guise :: Guise (n.) External appearance in manner or dress; appropriate indication or expression; garb; shape.
Cerate :: Cerate (n.) An unctuous preparation for external application, of a consistence intermediate between that of an ointment and a plaster, so that it can be spread upon cloth without the use of heat, but does not melt when applied to the skin..
Outside :: Outside (a.) Of or pertaining to the outside; external; exterior; superficial.
Sensorium :: Sensorium (n.) The seat of sensation; the nervous center or centers to which impressions from the external world must be conveyed before they can be perceived; the place where external impressions are localized, and transformed into sensations, prior to being reflected to other parts of the organism; hence, the whole nervous system, when animated, so far as it is susceptible of common or special sensations..
Epitrochlea :: Epitrochlea (n.) A projection on the outer side of the distal end of the humerus; the external condyle.
Vulva :: Vulva (n.) The external parts of the female genital organs; sometimes, the opening between the projecting parts of the external organs..
Passion :: Passion (n.) Capacity of being affected by external agents; susceptibility of impressions from external agents.
Turbine :: Turbine (n.) A water wheel, commonly horizontal, variously constructed, but usually having a series of curved floats or buckets, against which the water acts by its impulse or reaction in flowing either outward from a central chamber, inward from an external casing, or from above downward, etc.; -- also called turbine wheel..
Cuniform :: Cuniform (n.) One of the three tarsal bones supporting the first, second third metatarsals. They are usually designated as external, middle, and internal, or ectocuniform, mesocuniform, and entocuniform, respectively..
Tadpole :: Tadpole (n.) The young aquatic larva of any amphibian. In this stage it breathes by means of external or internal gills, is at first destitute of legs, and has a finlike tail. Called also polliwig, polliwog, porwiggle, or purwiggy..
Intestine :: Intestine (a.) Internal; inward; -- opposed to external.
Electrition :: Electrition (n.) The recognition by an animal body of the electrical condition of external objects.
Nutshell :: Nutshell (n.) The shell or hard external covering in which the kernel of a nut is inclosed.
Epozoic :: Epozoic (a.) Living upon the exterior of another animal; ectozoic; -- said of external parasites.
Outer :: Outer (a.) Being on the outside; external; farthest or farther from the interior, from a given station, or from any space or position regarded as a center or starting place; -- opposed to inner; as, the outer wall; the outer court or gate; the outer stump in cricket; the outer world..
Nipplewort :: Nipplewort (n.) A yellow-flowered composite herb (Lampsana communis), formerly used as an external application to the nipples of women; -- called also dock-cress..
Immaterialism :: Immaterialism (n.) The doctrine that external bodies may be reduced to mind and ideas in a mind; any doctrine opposed to materialism or phenomenalism, esp. a system that maintains the immateriality of the soul; idealism; esp., Bishop Berkeley's theory of idealism..
Inertia :: Inertia (n.) That property of matter by which it tends when at rest to remain so, and when in motion to continue in motion, and in the same straight line or direction, unless acted on by some external force; -- sometimes called vis inertiae..
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