Definition of explanation

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Explanation (n.) A mutual exposition of terms, meaning, or motives, with a view to adjust a misunderstanding, and reconcile differences; reconciliation; agreement; as, to come to an explanation..

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Reddition :: Reddition (n.) Explanation; representation.
Gloss :: Gloss (v. t.) To give a specious appearance to; to render specious and plausible; to palliate by specious explanation.
Psilanthropic :: Psilanthropic (a.) Pertaining to, or embodying, psilanthropy. A psilanthropic explanation..
Nonsolution :: Nonsolution (n.) Failure of solution or explanation.
Insolvable :: Insolvable (a.) Not solvable; insoluble; admitting no solution or explanation; as, an insolvable problem or difficulty..
Running :: Running (a.) Continuous; keeping along step by step; as, he stated the facts with a running explanation..
Gloss :: Gloss (n.) A false or specious explanation.
Phenomenology :: Phenomenology (n.) A description, history, or explanation of phenomena..
Construction :: Construction (n.) The method of construing, interpreting, or explaining a declaration or fact; an attributed sense or meaning; understanding; explanation; interpretation; sense..
Explanatory :: Explanatory (a.) Serving to explain; containing explanation; as explanatory notes.
Teleology :: Teleology (n.) the doctrine of design, which assumes that the phenomena of organic life, particularly those of evolution, are explicable only by purposive causes, and that they in no way admit of a mechanical explanation or one based entirely on biological science; the doctrine of adaptation to purpose..
Comment :: Comment (n.) A note or observation intended to explain, illustrate, or criticise the meaning of a writing, book, etc.; explanation; annotation; exposition..
Moralization :: Moralization (n.) Explanation in a moral sense.
Programme :: Programme (n.) That which is written or printed as a public notice or advertisement; a scheme; a prospectus; especially, a brief outline or explanation of the order to be pursued, or the subjects embraced, in any public exercise, performance, or entertainment; a preliminary sketch..
Account :: Account (n.) A statement and explanation or vindication of one's conduct with reference to judgment thereon.
Insignment :: Insignment (n.) A token, mark, or explanation..
Explain :: Explain (v. i.) To give an explanation.
Glossology :: Glossology (n.) The definition and explanation of terms; a glossary.
Self-explaining :: self-explaining (a.) Explaining itself; capable of being understood without explanation.
History :: History (n.) A systematic, written account of events, particularly of those affecting a nation, institution, science, or art, and usually connected with a philosophical explanation of their causes; a true story, as distinguished from a romance; -- distinguished also from annals, which relate simply the facts and events of each year, in strict chronological order; from biography, which is the record of an individual's life; and from memoir, which is history composed from personal experience, obse
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