Definition of evil

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Evil (adv.) In an evil manner; not well; ill; badly; unhappily; injuriously; unkindly.

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Antidote :: Antidote (n.) Whatever tends to prevent mischievous effects, or to counteract evil which something else might produce..
Pliant :: Pliant (v.) Capable of plying or bending; readily yielding to force or pressure without breaking; flexible; pliable; lithe; limber; plastic; as, a pliant thread; pliant wax. Also used figuratively: Easily influenced for good or evil; tractable; as, a pliant heart..
Danger :: Danger (n.) Exposure to injury, loss, pain, or other evil; peril; risk; insecurity..
Insalutary :: Insalutary (a.) Not tending to safety; productive of evil.
Retaliate :: Retaliate (v. t.) To return the like for; to repay or requite by an act of the same kind; to return evil for (evil). [Now seldom used except in a bad sense..
Diabolical :: Diabolical (a.) Pertaining to the devil; resembling, or appropriate, or appropriate to, the devil; devilish; infernal; impious; atrocious; nefarious; outrageously wicked; as, a diabolic or diabolical temper or act..
Temptation :: Temptation (n.) The act of tempting, or enticing to evil; seduction..
Instigation :: Instigation (n.) The act of instigating, or the state of being instigated; incitement; esp. to evil or wickedness..
Devilish :: Devilish (a.) Extreme; excessive.
Bedeviling :: Bedeviling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bedevi.
Conspiracy :: Conspiracy (n.) A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement, between two or more persons, to commit a crime in concert, as treason; a plot..
Devil's Darning-needle :: Devil's darning-needle () A dragon fly. See Darning needle, under Darn, v. t..
Dark :: Dark (a.) Foreboding evil; gloomy; jealous; suspicious.
Fiend :: Fiend (n.) An implacable or malicious foe; one who is diabolically wicked or cruel; an infernal being; -- applied specifically to the devil or a demon.
Mannite :: Mannite (n.) A sweet white efflorescence from dried fronds of kelp, especially from those of the Laminaria saccharina, or devil's apron..
Deprave :: Deprave (n. t.) To speak ill of; to depreciate; to malign; to revile.
Witch :: Witch (n.) One who practices the black art, or magic; one regarded as possessing supernatural or magical power by compact with an evil spirit, esp. with the Devil; a sorcerer or sorceress; -- now applied chiefly or only to women, but formerly used of men as well..
Venom :: Venom (n.) Spite; malice; malignity; evil quality. Chaucer.
Sacred :: Sacred (a.) Solemnly devoted, in a bad sense, as to evil, vengeance, curse, or the like; accursed; baleful..
Fiendish :: Fiendish (a.) Like a fiend; diabolically wicked or cruel; infernal; malignant; devilish; hellish.
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