Definition of error

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Error (n.) A mistake in the proceedings of a court of record in matters of law or of fact.

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Error :: Error (n.) A mistake in the proceedings of a court of record in matters of law or of fact.
Terrorism :: Terrorism (n.) The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a mode of government by terror or intimidation..
Chasten :: Chasten (v. t.) To purify from errors or faults; to refine.
Mormo :: Mormo (n.) A bugbear; false terror.
Extirpate :: Extirpate (v. t.) To pluck up by the stem or root; to root out; to eradicate, literally or figuratively; to destroy wholly; as, to extirpate weeds; to extirpate a tumor; to extirpate a sect; to extirpate error or heresy..
Corrupt :: Corrupt (a.) Abounding in errors; not genuine or correct; as, the text of the manuscript is corrupt..
Terror :: Terror (n.) That which excites dread; a cause of extreme fear.
Compensation :: Compensation (n.) An equivalent stipulated for in contracts for the sale of real estate, in which it is customary to provide that errors in description, etc., shall not avoid, but shall be the subject of compensation..
Dreadful :: Dreadful (a.) Full of dread or terror; fearful.
Erratum :: Erratum (n.) An error or mistake in writing or printing.
Falsehood :: Falsehood (n.) Want of truth or accuracy; an untrue assertion or representation; error; misrepresentation; falsity.
Scream :: Scream (n.) A sharp, shrill cry, uttered suddenly, as in terror or in pain; a shriek; a screech..
Affright :: Affright (n.) Sudden and great fear; terror. It expresses a stronger impression than fear, or apprehension, perhaps less than terror..
Eradicate :: Eradicate (v. t.) To root out; to destroy utterly; to extirpate; as, to eradicate diseases, or errors..
Resumption :: Resumption (n.) The taking again into the king's hands of such lands or tenements as he had granted to any man on false suggestions or other error.
Point :: Point (n.) To give particular prominence to; to designate in a special manner; to indicate, as if by pointing; as, the error was pointed out..
Anachorism :: Anachorism (n.) An error in regard to the place of an event or a thing; a referring something to a wrong place.
Correct :: Correct (a.) Set right, or made straight; hence, conformable to truth, rectitude, or propriety, or to a just standard; not faulty or imperfect; free from error; as, correct behavior; correct views..
Awesome :: Awesome (a.) Expressive of awe or terror.
Accurate :: Accurate (a.) In exact or careful conformity to truth, or to some standard of requirement, the result of care or pains; free from failure, error, or defect; exact; as, an accurate calculator; an accurate measure; accurate expression, knowledge, etc..
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