Definition of amenta

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Amenta (pl. ) of Amentu.

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Fundamentally :: Fundamentally (adv.) Primarily; originally; essentially; radically; at the foundation; in origin or constituents.
Pitiable :: Pitiable (a.) Deserving pity; wworthy of, or exciting, compassion; miserable; lamentable; piteous; as, pitiable persons; a pitiable condition; pitiable wretchedness..
Primary :: Primary (a.) First in order of time or development or in intention; primitive; fundamental; original.
Osage Orange :: Osage orange () An ornamental tree of the genus Maclura (M. aurantiaca), closely allied to the mulberry (Morus); also, its fruit. The tree was first found in the country of the Osage Indians, and bears a hard and inedible fruit of an orangelike appearance. See Bois d'arc..
Testamental :: Testamental (a.) Of or pertaining to a testament; testamentary.
Sacramentalism :: Sacramentalism (n.) The doctrine and use of sacraments; attachment of excessive importance to sacraments.
Jabot :: "Jabot (n.) An arrangement of lace or tulle, looped ornamentally, and worn by women on the front of the dress..
Emblazonry :: Emblazonry (n.) The act or art of an emblazoner; heraldic or ornamental decoration, as pictures or figures on shields, standards, etc.; emblazonment..
Topknot :: Topknot (n.) A crest or knot of feathers upon the head or top, as of a bird; also, an orgamental knot worn on top of the head, as by women..
Weepful :: Weepful (a.) Full of weeping or lamentation; grieving.
Locust Tree :: Locust tree () A large North American tree of the genus Robinia (R. Pseudacacia), producing large slender racemes of white, fragrant, papilionaceous flowers, and often cultivated as an ornamental tree. In England it is called acacia..
Aiguillette :: Aiguillette (n.) One of the ornamental tags, cords, or loops on some military and naval uniforms..
Cordon :: Cordon (n.) A rich and ornamental lace or string, used to secure a mantle in some costumes of state..
Grotto-work :: Grotto-work (n.) Artificial and ornamental rockwork in imitation of a grotto.
Tinsel :: Tinsel (n.) A shining material used for ornamental purposes; especially, a very thin, gauzelike cloth with much gold or silver woven into it; also, very thin metal overlaid with a thin coating of gold or silver, brass foil, or the like..
Ramenta :: Ramenta (n. pl.) Thin brownish chaffy scales upon the leaves or young shoots of some plants, especially upon the petioles and leaves of ferns..
Pargeting :: Pargeting (n.) Plasterwork; esp.: (a) A kind of decorative plasterwork in raised ornamental figures, formerly used for the internal and external decoration of houses. (b) In modern architecture, the plastering of the inside of flues, intended to give a smooth surface and help the draught..
Firmamental :: Firmamental (a.) Pertaining to the firmament; celestial; being of the upper regions.
Cresting :: Cresting (n.) An ornamental finish on the top of a wall or ridge of a roof.
Hood :: Hood (n.) An ornamental fold at the back of an academic gown or ecclesiastical vestment; as, a master's hood..
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