Definition of enforce

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Enforce (v. t.) To put in force; to cause to take effect; to give effect to; to execute with vigor; as, to enforce the laws..

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Enforce :: Enforce (v. t.) To put in motion or action by violence; to drive.
Gesture :: Gesture (n.) A motion of the body or limbs expressive of sentiment or passion; any action or posture intended to express an idea or a passion, or to enforce or emphasize an argument, assertion, or opinion..
Enforcive :: Enforcive (a.) Serving to enforce or constrain; compulsive.
Enforce :: Enforce (v. i.) To prove; to evince.
Utilitarianism :: Utilitarianism (n.) The doctrine that virtue is founded in utility, or that virtue is defined and enforced by its tendency to promote the highest happiness of the universe..
Coerce :: Coerce (v. t.) To compel or enforce; as, to coerce obedience..
Drill :: Drill (n.) Any exercise, physical or mental, enforced with regularity and by constant repetition; as, a severe drill in Latin grammar..
Lawsuit :: Lawsuit (n.) An action at law; a suit in equity or admiralty; any legal proceeding before a court for the enforcement of a claim.
Enforce :: Enforce (v. t.) To make or gain by force; to obtain by force; as, to enforce a passage..
Exact :: Exact (a.) To demand or require authoritatively or peremptorily, as a right; to enforce the payment of, or a yielding of; to compel to yield or to furnish; hence, to wrest, as a fee or reward when none is due; -- followed by from or of before the one subjected to exaction; as, to exact tribute, fees, obedience, etc., from or of some one..
Gesticulation :: Gesticulation (n.) The act of gesticulating, or making gestures to express passion or enforce sentiments..
Action :: Action (n.) A suit or process, by which a demand is made of a right in a court of justice; in a broad sense, a judicial proceeding for the enforcement or protection of a right, the redress or prevention of a wrong, or the punishment of a public offense..
Whip :: Whip (v. t.) A person (as a member of Parliament) appointed to enforce party discipline, and secure the attendance of the members of a Parliament party at any important session, especially when their votes are needed..
Outlaw :: Outlaw (v. t.) To remove from legal jurisdiction or enforcement; as, to outlaw a debt or claim; to deprive of legal force..
Peroration :: Peroration (n.) The concluding part of an oration; especially, a final summing up and enforcement of an argument..
Reenforce :: Reenforce (v.) Something which reenforces or strengthens.
Force :: Force (n.) To provide with forces; to reenforce; to strengthen by soldiers; to man; to garrison.
Supportable :: Support (n.) That which maintains or preserves from being overcome, falling, yielding, sinking, giving way, or the like; subsistence; maintenance; assistance; reenforcement; as, he gave his family a good support, the support of national credit; the assaulting column had the support of a battery..
Reenforce :: Reenforce (v.) An additional thickness of canvas, cloth, or the like, around an eyelet, buttonhole, etc..
Police :: Police (n.) The organized body of civil officers in a city, town, or district, whose particular duties are the preservation of good order, the prevention and detection of crime, and the enforcement of the laws..
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