Definition of else

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Else (adv. & conj.) Otherwise; in the other, or the contrary, case; if the facts were different..

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Besides :: Besides (prep.) Over and above; separate or distinct from; in addition to; other than; else than. See Beside, prep., 3, and Syn. under Beside..
Beguine :: Beguine (n.) A woman belonging to one of the religious and charitable associations or communities in the Netherlands, and elsewhere, whose members live in beguinages and are not bound by perpetual vows..
Teelseed :: Teelseed (n.) The seed of sesame.
Mere :: Mere (Superl.) Only this, and nothing else; such, and no more; simple; bare; as, a mere boy; a mere form..
Limb :: Limb (n.) A thing or person regarded as a part or member of, or attachment to, something else..
Justify :: Justify (v. i.) To form an even surface or true line with something else; to fit exactly.
Subsumption :: Subsume (v. t.) To take up into or under, as individual under species, species under genus, or particular under universal; to place (any one cognition) under another as belonging to it; to include under something else..
Trig :: Trig (n.) A stone, block of wood, or anything else, placed under a wheel or barrel to prevent motion; a scotch; a skid..
Succedanea :: Succedaneous (a.) Pertaining to, or acting as, a succedaneum; supplying the place of something else; being, or employed as, a substitute for another..
Prenotion :: Prenotion (n.) A notice or notion which precedes something else in time; previous notion or thought; foreknowledge.
Set :: Set (v. t.) Hence, to attach or affix (something) to something else, or in or upon a certain place..
Substitute :: Substitute (n.) One who, or that which, is substituted or put in the place of another; one who acts for another; that which stands in lieu of something else.
Vary :: Vary (v. t.) To change to something else; to transmute; to exchange; to alternate.
Dependence :: Dependence (n.) That which depends; anything dependent or suspended; anything attached a subordinate to, or contingent on, something else..
Twin :: Twin (a.) Being one of a pair much resembling one another; standing the relation of a twin to something else; -- often followed by to or with.
Gelsemic :: Gelsemic (a.) Gelseminic.
Font :: Font (n.) A complete assortment of printing type of one size, including a due proportion of all the letters in the alphabet, large and small, points, accents, and whatever else is necessary for printing with that variety of types; a fount..
Low :: Low (superl.) Occupying an inferior position or place; not high or elevated; depressed in comparison with something else; as, low ground; a low flight..
Cenotaph :: Cenotaph (n.) An empty tomb or a monument erected in honor of a person who is buried elsewhere.
Shackle :: Shackle (n.) Something which confines the legs or arms so as to prevent their free motion; specifically, a ring or band inclosing the ankle or wrist, and fastened to a similar shackle on the other leg or arm, or to something else, by a chain or a strap; a gyve; a fetter..
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