Definition of eariness

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Eariness (n.) Fear or timidity, especially of something supernatural..

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Forwander :: Forwander (v. i.) To wander away; to go astray; to wander far and to weariness.
Fessitude :: Fessitude (n.) Weariness.
Horror :: Horror (n.) That which excites horror or dread, or is horrible; gloom; dreariness..
Eariness :: Eariness (n.) Fear or timidity, especially of something supernatural..
Heariness :: Heariness (n.) The quality of being hearty; as, the heartiness of a greeting..
Fatigation :: Fatigation (n.) Weariness.
Weariful :: Weariful (a.) Abounding in qualities which cause weariness; wearisome.
Fatigue :: Fatigue (n.) Weariness from bodily labor or mental exertion; lassitude or exhaustion of strength.
Dreariness :: Dreariness (n.) Dismalness; gloomy solitude.
Fatigue :: Fatigue (n.) The cause of weariness; labor; toil; as, the fatigues of war..
Wearisome :: Wearisome (a.) Causing weariness; tiresome; tedious; weariful; as, a wearisome march; a wearisome day's work; a wearisome book..
Ennui :: Ennui (n.) A feeling of weariness and disgust; dullness and languor of spirits, arising from satiety or want of interest; tedium..
Buttonhole :: Buttonhole (v. t.) To hold at the button or buttonhole; to detain in conversation to weariness; to bore; as, he buttonholed me a quarter of an hour..
Dreariment :: Dreariment (n.) Dreariness.
Hobbyhorse :: Hobbyhorse (n.) A subject or plan upon which one is constantly setting off; a favorite and ever-recurring theme of discourse, thought, or effort; that which occupies one's attention unduly, or to the weariness of others; a ruling passion..
Recure :: Recure (v. t.) To restore, as from weariness, sickness; or the like; to repair..
Languish :: Languish (v. i.) To assume an expression of weariness or tender grief, appealing for sympathy..
Heigh-ho :: Heigh-ho (interj.) An exclamation of surprise, joy, dejection, uneasiness, weariness, etc..
Rest :: Rest (n.) To cease from action or motion, especially from action which has caused weariness; to desist from labor or exertion..
Dreariness :: Dreariness (n.) Sorrow; wretchedness.
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