Definition of drug

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Drug (n.) Any commodity that lies on hand, or is not salable; an article of slow sale, or in no demand..

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Garble :: Garble (n.) Impurities separated from spices, drugs, etc.; -- also called garblings..
Bedrug :: Bedrug (v. t.) To drug abundantly or excessively.
Official :: Official (n.) Approved by authority; sanctioned by the pharmacopoeia; appointed to be used in medicine; as, an official drug or preparation. Cf. Officinal..
Theriaca :: Theriaca (n.) An ancient composition esteemed efficacious against the effects of poison; especially, a certain compound of sixty-four drugs, prepared, pulverized, and reduced by means of honey to an electuary; -- called also theriaca Andromachi, and Venice treacle..
Pharmaceutist :: Pharmaceutist (n.) One skilled in pharmacy; a druggist. See the Note under Apothecary.
Abortifacient :: Abortifacient (n.) A drug or an agent that causes premature delivery.
Tonometer :: Tonometer (n.) An apparatus for studying and registering the action of various fluids and drugs on the excised heart of lower animals.
Bhang :: Bhang (n.) An astringent and narcotic drug made from the dried leaves and seed capsules of wild hemp (Cannabis Indica), and chewed or smoked in the East as a means of intoxication. See Hasheesh..
Pharmacy :: Pharmacy (n.) The art or practice of preparing and preserving drugs, and of compounding and dispensing medicines according to prescriptions of physicians; the occupation of an apothecary or a pharmaceutical chemist..
Confection :: Confection (n.) A composition of drugs.
Essence :: Essence (n.) The predominant qualities or virtues of a plant or drug, extracted and refined from grosser matter; or, more strictly, the solution in spirits of wine of a volatile or essential oil; as, the essence of mint, and the like..
Narcotic :: Narcotic (n.) A drug which, in medicinal doses, generally allays morbid susceptibility, relieves pain, and produces sleep; but which, in poisonous doses, produces stupor, coma, or convulsions, and, when given in sufficient quantity, causes death. The best examples are opium (with morphine), belladonna (with atropine), and conium..
Bitterwood :: Bitterwood (n.) A West Indian tree (Picraena excelsa) from the wood of which the bitter drug Jamaica quassia is obtained.
Verdigris :: Verdigris (n.) A green poisonous substance used as a pigment and drug, obtained by the action of acetic acid on copper, and consisting essentially of a complex mixture of several basic copper acetates..
Adulterate :: Adulterate (v. t.) To corrupt, debase, or make impure by an admixture of a foreign or a baser substance; as, to adulterate food, drink, drugs, coin, etc..
Poppied :: Poppied (a.) Affected with poppy juice; hence, figuratively, drugged; drowsy; listless; inactive..
Percolation :: Percolation (n.) The act or process of percolating, or filtering; filtration; straining. Specifically (Pharm.), the process of exhausting the virtues of a powdered drug by letting a liquid filter slowly through it..
Drug :: Drug (v. i.) To prescribe or administer drugs or medicines.
Sophistication :: Sophistication (n.) The act of sophisticating; adulteration; as, the sophistication of drugs..
Druggist :: Druggist (n.) One who deals in drugs; especially, one who buys and sells drugs without compounding them; also, a pharmaceutist or apothecary..
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