Definition of drop

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Drop (n.) Any small pendent ornament.

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Hydropic :: Hydropic (a.) Alt. of Hydropica.
Lyssa :: Lyssa (n.) Hydrophobia.
Rain :: Rain (n.) Water falling in drops from the clouds; the descent of water from the clouds in drops.
Rosedrop :: Rosedrop (n.) A ruddy eruption upon the nose caused by drinking ardent spirits; a grog blossom.
Still :: Still (v. t.) To cause to fall by drops.
Misle :: Misle (v. i.) To rain in very fine drops, like a thick mist; to mizzle..
Fallen :: Fallen (a.) Dropped; prostrate; degraded; ruined; decreased; dead.
Mist :: Mist (v. i.) To rain in very fine drops; as, it mists..
Dropwort :: Dropwort (n.) An Old World species of Spiraea (S. filipendula), with finely cut leaves..
Dribble :: Dribble (v. t.) To let fall in drops.
Drop :: Drop (n.) Act of dropping; sudden fall or descent.
Fall :: Fall (v. t.) To be dropped or uttered carelessly; as, an unguarded expression fell from his lips; not a murmur fell from him..
Hydropathical :: Hydropathical (a.) Of or pertaining to hydropathy.
Drib :: Drib (n.) A drop.
Eavedrop :: Eavedrop (n.) A drop from the eaves; eavesdrop.
Distillation :: Distillation (n.) That which falls in drops.
Hydropath :: Hydropath (n.) A hydropathist.
Plump :: Plump (v. t.) To cast or let drop all at once, suddenly and heavily; as, to plump a stone into water..
Teary :: Teary (a.) Consisting of tears, or drops like tears..
Antilyssic :: Antilyssic (a. & n.) Antihydrophobic.
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