Definition of drib

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Drib (v. t.) To lead along step by step; to entice.

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Rhachis :: Rhachis (n.) The continued stem or midrib of a pinnately compound leaf, as in a rose leaf or a fern..
Drib :: Drib (v. t. & i.) To shoot (a shaft) so as to pierce on the descent.
Costa :: Costa (n.) A rib or vein of a leaf, especially the midrib..
Feather-veined :: Feather-veined (a.) Having the veins (of a leaf) diverging from the two sides of a midrib.
Sedge :: Sedge (n.) Any plant of the genus Carex, perennial, endogenous herbs, often growing in dense tufts in marshy places. They have triangular jointless stems, a spiked inflorescence, and long grasslike leaves which are usually rough on the margins and midrib. There are several hundred species..
Dribber :: Dribber (n.) One who dribs; one who shoots weakly or badly.
Dribble :: Dribble (v. i.) To fall in drops or small drops, or in a quick succession of drops; as, water dribbles from the eaves..
Conduplicate :: Conduplicate (a.) Folded lengthwise along the midrib, the upper face being within; -- said of leaves or petals in vernation or aestivation..
Dribbler :: Dribbler (n.) One who dribbles.
Quadribasic :: Quadribasic (a.) Same as Tetrabasic.
Pinnatifid :: Pinnatifid (a.) Divided in a pinnate manner, with the divisions not reaching to the midrib..
Strip :: Strip (v. t.) To pick the cured leaves from the stalks of (tobacco) and tie them into hands; to remove the midrib from (tobacco leaves)..
Dribble :: Dribble (n.) A drizzling shower; a falling or leaking in drops.
Baldrib :: Baldrib (n.) A piece of pork cut lower down than the sparerib, and destitute of fat..
Drib :: Drib (v. t.) To do by little and littl.
Divided :: Divided (a.) Cut into distinct parts, by incisions which reach the midrib; -- said of a leaf..
Trisected :: Trisected (a.) Divided into three parts or segments by incisions extending to the midrib or to the base; -- said of leaves.
Dribblet :: Dribblet (n.) Alt. of Drible.
Cleft :: Cleft (a.) Incised nearly to the midrib; as, a cleft leaf..
Drib :: Drib (v. t.) To cut off by a little at a time; to crop.
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